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Debunking Stereotypes: An Exploration of Islam in the Middle East

Instructions: In your group, explore both a common stereotype and frequently-asked question regarding
Islamic culture in the Middle East. You may use the following websites to support your research:
Islamic Networks Group: Education for Cultural Literacy
Southern Poverty Law Center: Teaching Tolerance
Quran Speaks


Women are oppressed and viewed unequal


It really does depend on the background a person is in. In most

Middle Eastern countries, the laws allow women to vote, work and
run for office. With these rights guaranteed, it seems almost
farcical that 75% of the women remain out of work. The greatest
obstacle in Middle Eastern women's path to equality,
independence and empowerment are social restrictions that often
times becomes more binding that laws. Some women may have
more liberal families while others are more conservative, as there
are many perspectives from the people who live there according to
different articles.

Where did this stereotype begin,

and why do people believe it to be
What is the truth regarding this
stereotype, according to your

However, this doesnt change the fact that there are radical laws
that goes against womens basic rights, as seen in the legal
systems of the Middle East. The stereotype is largely based on
facts about the government, but that doesnt mean it is false since
Middle Eastern women do not have the basic rights compared to
other women around the world.

Research citation

Why are there still laws against women?


The laws are based on the culture that they believed in and the
communities theyre in, so in a different area or tribes they will
believe in different culture.
In other Muslim communities, depending on social, historical, and
cultural conditions, the position of women is very different and is
not equal either in theory or practice.
There are laws against women to protect them from violence.

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