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Daniel Erhabor

AFRO 005
Dr. Woods
12 9 2016
Final Written (4)
Malcolm X indicates in his speech The Ballot or the Bullet that he subscribes to the
philosophy of Black Nationalism that serves to uplift and empower African Americans by
creating a movement that moves for a black nation that is governed, orchestrated and maintained
by the black man to serve his interests and his people without conflicting with corporate white
America. There are many facets of Black Nationalism that can be further explained in more
detail to buttress his views.
The political climate in America has been shown time and time again to not include the
black man or to treat him as a second class citizen but Black Nationalism provides a solution that
some black scholars were aware but some civil rights activists were highly skeptical and not
supportive of. The political philosophy of Black Nationalism calls for the black man to be in
charge of the politics of his own community. The policies that govern Black Nationalism are
from the Afrocentric perspective that views the nature of their situation of not from a white elitist
standpoint but from a perspective of the black struggle.
Black Nationalism also promotes the business of the black man in that black economics
comes into play. The concept of small businesses has been the forefront of the Republic
economic strategy but we all know that the strategy for the white elites and not the small
businesses. Support of black business will greatly improve the black economy in that as black
businesses are opened, there is room for employment and with employment comes quality

products and hence African Americans will not spend their dollar in white neighborhoods and
stores they will spend it on the black business.
The corporate media has always clamored about their racial stereotypes that black people
cannot be unified to achieve a common goal but Black Nationalism will quell their unreasonable
arguments about disunity within the black community. The movement will inevitably create
dialogue within the American community as per how to advance their cause of Black
Nationalism and make it permanent. This would be successful because the disunity in the Black
Community has always been caused by corporate influence.
One of the major problems in the black community school to prison pipeline. Black
Nationalism solves this egregious issue by going back to our roots and revamping the
educational system and redesigning it tailored to the community. The education would be based
on reality and not on European propaganda. Black history would be the only history class that
would be relevant to the community to educate on the triumphs of the Egyptian civilization, the
moors and other early African civilizations. To sum up, the educational system would be a
collection of conscious thinking tailored to a community orientation.

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