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Nearly all people want to have jobs to do when they grow up to support themselves and their families. However, | have also heard some people say that if they were rich, they would not work anymore. | do not think they are right because working brings us many benefits. It is widely agreed that work makes us independent. When working, we can earn our living to support ourselves and sometimes supports others. Then, work is also good for our self-esteem because we are not “mistletoes". Moreover, work helps us develop ourselves. When we have something to do, we feel that our lives are meaningful. Many wealthy people who do not have to work for a living still work for this reason, In addition, many of us enjoy our work because it gives us opportunities to get to know and meet other people. Thanks to people we have contacted, we can improve our personalities, behaviors, and communication skills. However, we should not always indulge in our work. As we know “All work and no play makes Jack dull boy", so | think it is necessary for us to balance working and leisure in our lives. Leisure time is very important for us because it helps us refresh ourselves after working hard. However, we are different, so the way we enjoy our leisure is also different. We have our own rights to choose wnat to do during our leisure hours. Some people pursue their hobbies such as holding camping -trips or picnics with their family members or close friends. Others can choose to pursue lively activities such as playing sports, joining adventure tours or taking part in TV game shows. The rest choose to stay at home reading books or listening to music, Generally, leisure breaks the monotony of the working hours. In short, | think we need both to work and to relax. Working helps us create what we can enjoy, and relaxing helps us enjoy what we have created.

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