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Molly Mayo

Mrs. Jankowski
English 12
August, 16, 2016
Common App Essay - 455
I have made the trip to Riley Childrens Hospital many times in my life. Though,
on this day it was a life changer. I recognized the landmarks and scenic views, I knew
where I was headed. As a four year old the thought of being poked and prodded with
needles for lab test after lab test is hardly a thrill. But, that day there was more than that.
That day we were finally getting real answers.
All the trips I had made to Riley prior to that were scary for a four year old. I was
very sick and every doctor gave me a different answer as to what was going on with me.
For example one doctor believed I had Marfan Syndrome, and another believed I had
small cell cancer. I had been to many different hospitals trying to figure out what was
going on with me. I had been to St. Jude, Riley , and Shriners Childrens Hospitals. As
they tested me for each disease they all luckily came back negative.
On the day I was diagnosed I had to do a test that I had never done before. It
was called the sweat chloride test. What this test does is it tests your sweat to see how
much sodium or ,salt as I say is, in your sweat. If there are high levels of sodium in your
sweat , you go on to the genetics blood test. This test can detect genetic mutations in
the DNA in your blood. And the test came back positive for a disease called Cystic

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects your lungs and Pancreas.
This disease causes mucus to fill your lungs and airways making it harder to
breath. And it causes your Pancreas to not absorb your food properly, making it
difficult to gain weight. I have inhalers that help clear my airways, and I take pills
before I eat that help my pancreas absorb my food properly.
Even though Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease, we could not pinpoint
where mine came from. The doctors told me that it could trace as far back as a
ancestor of mine getting off of the Mayflower. Or it could be possible that a
deceased family member could have lived their entire life without knowing they
had it.
The message that I hope you get out of my essay is you can do anything
you put your mind to. Never let anything get in the way of your dreams. No
matter how big, small, large , tall or crazy they are, hold onto those dreams. You
never know when or how they will come true.

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