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Honors Genocide Project:

How does genocide happen?

Read the article 10 Stages of Genocide by Dr Gregory H. Stanton and Mark the Text
(Pages 1-4 only)
You and your group (OF 3-4) will select a historical genocide from the list below. Research its
causes, key figures, timeline, and connect your research to the stages of genocide from our article.
Genocides in History:
1904 - German government massacred over 81% of Hereros in southern Africa
1915 - Armenian Genocide
1919 - Ukrainians killed up to 250,000 Jews
1932-33 - Holodomor: Stalins Forced Famine (of Ukrainians)
1937-38 - Rape of Nanking
1940s - German killing of Gypsies
1950s - Chinas attempt to destroy buddhism in Tibet
1965 - Indonesia killed 600,000 people accused of being Communist
Since 1965 - Killing of Indians in Guatemala by military
1960s - Tutsi killing Hutus in Burundi
1972 - Bengalis killed by Pakistan government
1972-73 - Ache Indians tortured or killed by Paraguayan government
1975-79 - Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge in Cambodia
1994 - Rwandan Genocide
1992-1995 - Bosnia-Herzegovina Genocide
2004 - Darfur Genocide in Sudan
Native Americans throughout Colonization period in U.S.
Your task:
- Write a 1-2 page summary of the genocide
- Write a 5 minute oral presentation to educate the class about your topic
- Each group member must speak close to equal amounts
- Create a poster:
- Include 5+ relevant images with captions
- Include a map
- Trace the timeline of your genocide with reference to the 10 Stages of Genocide
- What was the global response / resolution?

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