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I want to cut, deep into your gut

Separate the skin from bone

Incinerate this body you call home
Disintegrate everything you have known
No one save you, youre all alone
I want to hear you scream, I want to hear you groan
Every breath could be your last
Your life is soon to to be in the past
Dont worry, I won't let you go to waste
Don't, hurry don't act with haste
Just stay still
I only wish to kill
See that in front of you
See that covered in red goo
Stop the struggle, there is nothing you can do
Look at it
Look at you
Half dead
All red
Don't die yet
I want you to be my pet
See, this is fun
Especially since you can't run
I told you those legs were useless
Aren't you in awe, aren't you speechless
Oh wait, you can't speak
Not with all that blood about to leak
Just breathe through your nose
My scissors, in and out they go
Look at you, putting on a show
Shaking and Shivering
Choking and Bleeding
Clinging to life (well what's left of it)
You belong with me, in this dark pit
Your stomach is in knots
Allow me to untie it
Its tougher than i expected
I might just have to cut in half
As i pick up my scissors once more, I can't help but laugh
Is this not hilarious
I mean look at this
Oh wait, you can't really see
Removing that eye filled me with so much glee
You're a tough nut to crack

So is your skull
I shove my scissors in and pull
It finally broke
I will leave you in your own guts to soak
You let out your last croak
The last thing you see with your remaining eye is my grinning face
You're only the first to die, now to the rest of the human race

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