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Corporations arc not democracies. Rarely do individuals join a corporation

simply to work for the firm's stated goals. They join for their own reasons to
meet their own goals. Thus, analyses of power and politics provide a key to
undcrsuutding the roles of individuals within the organisational setting as they
vie for their own interests in an hierarchical setting.
General Motors (GNd), IBM, and Sears are three companies facing a need for
dramatic change that have already tried, but failed, at major change
efforts. The most important idea of all companies like GM, IBM and Sears is that
those pushing for organisational improvement must deal with cultural and
behavioural obstacles to change. Specifically, attempts at organisational change
must consider the existing network of power. In dealing with power these
organisations are led to engage in cultural change. Management works with and
through the existing culture to transform the organisation network of power.
Management's leadership in the change-effort seems to be the key determinant of
whether change will succeed. It is now well recognised by the leaders that
changing organisations requires a consideration of power and polities.
Fortunately, both power and polities can be used in positive ways. t
As you read this chapter, keep in mind these study questions:

What is power within the context of the organisation and why do

agers have power?

What are the relationships among power, formal authority and

How does the manager get the power needed to get the job done?

What is empowerment and how can management empower others?

middle manager and the chief executive officer?
Can power and politics in an organisation be considered.;ethicahA

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