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Console Cheats game

Press ENTER to bring up the chat window, then enter one of the phrases

indicated below for the corresponding effect.

i want pizza - Gives you 1000 food (or enter a space followed by another

number to gain that amount)

bring me my axe - Gives you 1000 wood (or enter a space followed by another

number to gain that amount)

your money or your life - Gives you 1000 metal (or enter a space followed by

another number to gain that amount)

i see a mountain here - Gives you 1000 stone (or enter a space followed by

another number to gain that amount)

jame jam - Reveals the map

the hive master - Increases the maximum population you can have to the

maximum limit
TARDIS - Increases the maximum population you can have to 500
iwanttopwnthem - Gives you a random hero (you need to have a building

wololo - Converts the currently selected unit to belong to you

black death - Kills the currently selected units

i am too busy - Speeds up actions like gathering, building, fighting, etc.

how do you turn this on? - Creates one or more fighter planes (you need to

have a building selected)

exodia - Defeats a player (player 2 by default)
salad bowl - Creates one or more infantry citizen soldiers

back to the future - Advances the current phase

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