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This draconian policy is dumb and very limiting.

How can anyone

expect every Juan, Carlo and John Paul to look their best with a
single kind of haircut? I'm not only talking about very long hair.
Some schools do not allow undercuts. UNDERCUT. A very trendy
hairstyle in the past few years which is actually shorter than their
preferred haircuts. This policy prevents development of
individuality and self expression. These kids are not allowed to
think for themselves. This policy among others stunts the
development of a kid's personality. I can understand policies
against unnatural colors that don't exist in humans but brown?
WTF? I still fail to see how this benefits the students. If anything,
it just cultivates feelings of rebellion and retaliation. These
schools must not have the autonomy on young people's bodies.
There are far more pressing matters like overpriced tuition fees
and undercompensated teachers/professors than students'
hairstyles. And FFS, It's 2016. Time to get with the program.

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