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Commission: Human Rights

Topic: International Refugee Crisis

Main Submitter: Germany
Co-Submitter: Pakistan
Alarmed by the 21.3 million people worldwide fleeing from conflict
Emphasizing that 39% of the worlds refugees flee to Middle Eastern
and North African lands
Deeply concerned by the fact that many refugee camps do not have
basic needs such as electricity
Noting with deep concern that many refugees are children and are
being deprived of an education
Viewing with appreciation the countries that have welcomed the
refugees and have had a growth in their economy
1) Calls upon allowing all economic, and politically stable countries
to welcome refugees
2) Strongly endorses that countries hosting refugees form a
registration that permits refugees to register for political asylum,
and based on things such as,
a) Name
b) Date of Birth
c) Martial Status
d) Education
Including University majors and
Completed level of Education
e) Past Employment
3) Emphasizes implementing educational programs for refugees
a) Assimilating topics such as:
Basic Communication/Language
4) Regulating, maintaining, and managing safe passageways that
allow refugees sanctuary in the specified country
a) This also includes the aiding nations to invest in rescue
procedures, that aid many of the refugees security and health
5) Encourages nations to open doors of employment, that will
a) Enhance Economic and Social stability
b) Lower un-employment rates

6) Further recommends aiding and volunteering for organizations

such as the United Nation Higher Commissioner of Refugees
(UNHCR), that will allows us to
a) Gradually minimize the issue
b) Help refugees rather than just granting them land to live on

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