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1. Which year is warmer in the South Beaufort Sea region, 1995 or 2005? How many degrees
2005, about 3 degrees
2. Which year has more snow-ice amount in the same region? By how much?
1995, around 30-45

3. Using the line plots, examine the seasonal oscillations of the variables. Do you see any
trends in the line plots?
When the surface temperature spikes up the snowfall amount spikes down.
4. Write a paragraph describing your findings and conclusions using the data results.
According to the linear plot the temperature around the arctic area remained around a
high temperature of 7-8 degrees, while the low remains around -20 degrees, yet is cooler
from 2002-2005. The monthly snow/ice amount has more variation, however, since the
years 2002-2005 are cooler there is more snow/ice during these years.

5. Would you expect to see any impact on the habitat and migration of polar bears based on
your conclusions?
Based on my conclusions you may see a slight impact on the habitat and migration of
polar bears since the area of the arctic is warming and that would cause a melting in the
ice caps, affecting their habitats.
6. How will the changes that you study affect the people of Northern Alaska and Western
Canada? What other information or data would help you answer this question?
The changes I studied would affect the people of these regions slightly. The temperature
highs increased, as well as the low temperatures.

7. Do you think there is a global change trend or just a local random variation? Explain your
answer. What other information or data would help you answer this question?
I think there is a global change trend in the increasing temperatures. Since the
temperature is warming in the arctic regions and the snow/ice amounts could cause a
global change because snow and ice in the arctic affect sea levels and air temperatures

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