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The planned obsolescence is when a product is designed to have an specific life span.

Usually is
designed with a short life span. Some of tem are designed with a life span that the costumers or
consumers need. Also that the product is designed to do that the costumers look that they are
products, even thougt is the product can be recycle. It do that when the product fails or geta obsolet,
the costumers go and buy a new versin of the product. Also planned obsolence, in some cases is
designed bad to that the costumers buy the new upgrade.
For example: lest we take a washing machine. His durability is aproximate 2 years. So is do for wash
the cloth. But waht happend it fails or dont fuction more, the parts that are not damage are vital
parts for do somo materials. When it past 2 years the washing machine only needs a Little repairs.
When they past between 4 and 5 years, there vital parst need to be get extacted out of the washing
machine and get repalace for other ones. For planned obsolescence to work, the customer must
feel that he/she has had value for money. So when the washing machine fails, he/she has to go and
do that repair with the same manufacturing.

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