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Grade _________



Speaker ___________________________________ Date_______________ Time ____________

Topic/ Type of Speech____________________________________________________________

- Areas to work on

+ Very Good

_______ THE SPEAKER (4 Points Possible)

_______ exhibited sincerity/enthusiasm
_______ showed evidence of preparation and practice
_______THE MESSAGE (56 Points Possible)
______chose suitable topic for assignment and audience
______ stated clear persuasive proposition (central idea) statement
_____ captured attention
_____ provided reason to listen
_____ established speaker credibility
_____ included preview
_____ provided clear, logical speech design for topic
_____ gave credible, logical supporting arguments
_____ provided variety of support (logos, pathos, ethos)
_____ successfully refuted the opposing side
_____ utilized transitions and internal summaries
_____ summarized main ideas
_____ stated or reemphasized central idea in a memorable way
_____ impact ending; call to action
_____ THE DELIVERY (24 points possible)
_____ vivid, clear word choice
_____ adequate volume, rate and variety of pitch
_____ articulation/pronunciation
_____ eye contact
_____ gestures
_____ movement
_____THE OUTLINE (16 points possible)
_____ specific purpose and thesis statement
_____ outline content
_____ outline format (numbering, subordination)
_____ Works Cited List
_____ Source citations to fulfill assignment (-10 points)
_____Time penalty for late speech (-10 points)
_____ TOTAL SPEECH POINTS (100 points possible)


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