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Name : ________________________ Class : ______________

Date :___________

Concluding Your Essay

Using a relevant quote
Concluding with relevant quotes is common. From your research notes, glean one
that sums up your article or gives a final word. Remember to reflect briefly on the
quote and how it connects with your article.
End with a good fact that provokes thought
Choose to make your conclusion one that moves your reader to action. If you are
discussing a problem let it head towards a solution.
Echo the introduction
Zoom out and end where you began. While your introduction moved from general to
specific facts, the conclusion moves the other way. The end mirrors the beginning
and must give the reader the reason for your write up.
Pose a question
This is not the most interesting way to end your article. But if you decide to ask
questions, make them pertinent and open ended.
End with an anecdote
Anecdotes work well for feature articles. Make the end descriptive and leave your
reader with images that linger.
Reinforce your point with a memorable fact, a detail or an image
Use a memorable image, fact or anecdote that helps summarise and demonstrate all
that has gone before it, while simultaneously hammering home the main point.
End with a lesson, a discovery or a revelation
What have you learnt? Did you gain any new insight after completing your article?
Has it changed the way you view something or the way you think about it? If so, tell
your audience and save it for the end. These discoveries are the things readers want
to know.

English Language Supplementary Notes

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