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Finjie Koh

Math learning centre

What am I?


Learning Centre Activities


Objectives: Children will be able to match the correct animal

print to the correct animal and name
There is an activity board provided. Children will take the
materials that consist of animal patterns, animals and animal
names and try to match them up.

Where do I live?

Objectives: Children will be able to sort the animals by the

place they live
There is an activity board provided. The activity board is split
into 3 portions: sea, cold places and forest. Animal cards are
placed in a plastic ziplock bag and children are supposed to
sort the animals by the place they live in.

What comes next?

Objectives: Children will be able to complete an AB/ABC

pattern and create their own pattern
There are activity sheets provided and animal cutouts.
Children will use the animal cutouts to complete the
patterns. They can also create their own pattern.

Finjie Koh
Fix me!


Learning Centre Activities

Objectives: Children will be able to fix the jigsaw puzzle

3 jigsaw puzzles are provided and kept in a plastic folder with
a velcro so that the pieces will not fall out. Children will try to
complete the puzzle and there is also a self check provided in
a form of a whole picture of the puzzle.


Objectives: Children will be able to count from 1-10 and 1120 by fixing the picture
There are numbers from 1-10 and 11-20 at the bottom of the
puzzle. Children are to complete the picture by placing the
numbers in order. This way, the puzzle acts as a self check
for them.

Finjie Koh

Art learning centre

Activity 1


Learning Centre Activities

Objectives: Children will be able to draw according to the art
tutorials provided
There are art tutorials provided to teach the children how to
draw certain animals. White A4 paper and pencils are

Activity 2

Objectives: Children will read the riddle and solve it by

drawing out the correct animal
Animal riddles describing different animals are provided and
the children can draw it out on the A4 paper provided.

Activity 3

Objectives: Children will decorate the animal template that is

provided with the materials given
Different animal template, cut out foam paper, glue and
scissors are provided. Children will then decorate the animal
with the foam paper.

Finjie Koh

Activity 4


Learning Centre Activities

Objectives: Children will use their imagination to colour the

There are different colouring sheets provided for the children
to choose from. Colour pencils and crayons are also provided.

Activity 5

Objectives: Children will decorate the animal template that is

provided with the materials given
Different animal template, crepe paper, glue and scissors are
provided. Children will then decorate the animal with the
crepe paper.

Finjie Koh


Learning Centre Activities

Finjie Koh


Learning Centre Activities

Finjie Koh


Learning Centre Activities

Finjie Koh


Learning Centre Activities

Finjie Koh


Learning Centre Activities

Finjie Koh


Learning Centre Activities


Finjie Koh


Learning Centre Activities


Finjie Koh


Learning Centre Activities


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