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1. Install the java software by clicking on jdk1.

5 from softwares
1.1 Copy the bin path and paste it in my computer>Advance>environment variables
by clicking on new after typing CLASSPATH.
1.2 repeat the 1.1 after typing PATH then paste the path then add.:
2. Install the Tomcat server by clicking on jakartha-tomcat.
2.1 give the correct port number(if there is any change) by default it takes 8080
but better to give 8000 to avoid any problems further.
3. Install mysql by clicking on setup. click on next untill install is completed.
3.1 Specify the password and confirm it here root is the password
4. Now copy the files in jar>softwares and paste them in C:\Program Files\Apache
Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\common\lib.
5. Deploy the program by copying the PrisonManager from the code and paste in
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps
6. Open the sql command prompt and type the password create the database and tables
copy the tables given in the SQL and paste them in the command prompt.
7. Run the server by clicking C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat
8. Open the internet explorer type the "http://localhost:8000" then it opens the server
(tomcat). type admin then press enter
9. click on tomcatmanager then click on PrisonManager. Thus execution is completed.

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