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Qy Although, hvany argue that pet therapy is no more beneficial than talk therapy. Thosethet |) ) Mi) 0 Led agwe eee MoM oy 2 therapy dogs weutd affect them, his Chart shows the report el on how jt affected their “disabled children. Figure 1)/Parent’s Report of Experience So Far | ‘Asimal- Assisted Therapies Pu pet tence \ s ee oly! The graph clearly shows 83% of the children improved in,s6me way.) argue “may question the lack of research to back up the benefits of AAT” (Uyemura). Although sparse “the research is out there and has been increasing since 2002” (Uyemura). In support of aa Ue this the studies previously mentioned bef express the interaction of the dog/volunteer team with it Aves pag ox the heart failure patients and the improvements in their health. “<9 Over the yi idies on AAT increased-and proved the effects dog therapy has on a person. These canines are specially tinea tested by Therapy Dogs Intemnationalg(6 ensure they possess the capability of aiding those in need. Many breeds of dogs are registered therapy dopybet some breeds carry a more comforting, more appropriate demeanor. The positive results from therapy dogs on a person's health has been proven again and again, More research in this p UL MAMLIL py

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