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Read the above two articles.

1. Prepare a short writing of "What is The Trading Tribe".
Briefly describe the objectives of Trading Tribe and how its process is being
2. Carefully choosen a project which you want to work with trading tribe process.
Roughly explain the nature of the this project.

Trading tribe allows traders to connect to each other, to seek for improvement
in our inner self, which involving the interplay between our ego and
subconcious in a form of group, in order to facilitates self-actualization.
The Trading Tribe Process (TTP) promotes the Flow of Experience from
Fred (Subconcious) to Concious Mind, and rejuvenates Concious Mind's
ability to receive protective warnings (PWs) from Fred. Traders will be given
the opportunity to rejuvenate our ability to experience messages from Fred via
exercise such as sharing feelings, mirroring, pacing and encouraging each
other. It also allows changes in a persons negative subconcious response
into a positive one (rewiring the brain).
The process will be conducted in three phase, Phase-One (1): Identification of
the Issue - Getting Upset. Phase-Two (2): Fred Communicates with CM Getting to the Zero Point and Phase-Three: As Life Goes On - Getting Better
(automatic) The trading tribe meeting will begin and end with check-in of all
members, all members will be listening to the one who speaks. While
the sender (only one at a time), that hold the responsibility will communicate,
teach the item of concern to other members, and they will listen, replicate the
concerns, make the unconscious conscious.
In this Trading tribe process, my project is to figure out all the psychology
related problems in my trading and aim to solve them in order to achieve
consistent profitability. I often know that psychology is the most important
aspect in trading, but dont really know the exact method to improve in this
aspect. Aims to improve my psychology in trading and life as well.

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