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Leigh Randell as supervisor of in-flight services at the Atlanta base of Omega Airlines, a
successful regional air carrier with routes throughout the South and Southwest. In addition to
Atlanta, it has bases in six major cities.
Randells job involves supervision of all in-flight services and personnel at the Atlanta base.
She has been with the airline for seven years and in her present job for two years. While
preferring flying to a permanent ground position, she decided to try the management position.
In her job, she reports directly to Kent Davis, vice president of in-flight services.
During the past year, Randell has observed what she believes is a great deal of duplication of
effort between flight attendants and passenger service personnel in the terminal with respect
to paperwork procedures for boarding passengers. This, she believes, has resulted in
unnecessary delays in departures of many flights-especially through flights (those that dont
originate or terminate in Atlanta). since most Omega through flights stop in Atlanta, Randell
believes that such delayed departures are probably not a major problem at Omegas other
bases or at smaller airports. Thus, she has decided to try to coordinate the efforts of flight
attendances and passenger service personnel with a simpler, more efficient boarding
procedure, thereby reducing ground time and increasing passenger satisfaction through closer
adherence to departure times.
In this respect, she has, on three occasions during the past two months, written memo to Tom
Ballard, Omegas passenger services representative at the Atlanta base. Each time, Randell
has requested information regarding specific procedures, time, and costs for boarding
passengers on through flights. She has received no reply from Tom Ballard. His job involves
supervision of all passenger service personnel. He has been with Omega for five years,
having joined its management training program immediately after graduating from college.
He reports directly to Alan Brock, vice president of passenger services at the Atlanta base.
Exhibit 1 presents the organization structure for the Atlanta base.
Exhibit 1. Omega, Atlanta: Organization Chart

Last week, Leigh wrote a memo to Kent Davis:

For several months, I have been trying to develop a new method for facilitating the boarding
of passengers on through flights by more closely coordinating efforts of In-Flight Services
and Passenger Services. the results would be a reduction in clerical work, cost and ground
time and closer adherence to departure times for through flights: Unfortunately, I have
received no cooperation at all in my efforts from the passenger service representative. I have
made three written requests for information, each of which has been ignored. Needless to say,
this has been frustrating to me. While I realize that my beliefs may not always be correct, in
this instance I am only trying to initiate something that will be beneficial for everyone
involved: Passenger Services, In-Flight Services, and, most important, Omega Airlines. I
would like to meet with you to discuss this matter and the possibility of my transferring back
to flight duty.
Kent Davis summoned Alan Brock and Tom Ballard to a hastily called conference. tom
Ballard was mildly asked why he had not furnished the information that Randell has
Too busy, he said. Her questions were out of sight. There was no time for me to answer
this sort of request. Ive got a job to do. Besides, I dont report to her.
But Tom, you dont understand, Kent Davis said. All Leigh Randell is trying to do is
improve the president system of boarding passengers on through flights. she has taken the
initiatives to work on something that might benefit everyone.
Tom Ballard thought for a moment. No, he replied, it didnt look like that to me. You
know Ive also had ideas on how to improve the system for quite sometime. Anyway, shes
going about it all wrong.
As a Business English student which has already learned effective communication, analyze
and discuss the following questions:
1. What barriers to effective communication do you detect in this case?
2. Is anyone wrong in this situation? By what other means could Randell have
requested the information from Tom Ballard? What do you think of Tom Ballards
reaction? Why?
3. While communicating information vertically up or down the organization does not
present a major problem, why is horizontal and diagonal communication are more
difficult to attain?
4. What would you recommend that the management of Omega Airlines do to remedy
this situation?
5. How would your recommendation improve communication in the organization?

1.There are some barriers of effective communication in this case, first

inattention, then always fixing the ideas and there is ignoring information.
2.Yes, my opinion that Tom Ballard is wrong, he has some barriers of effective
communication in which the director make a meeting of it. Randell means
that the omega airlines have good and better services so it can make profit to
the passengers and more secure. Toms reaction is so bad; indeed he shows
that he really has no good effective communication. He does not care about
others opinion, he is an inattention man, he is also ignoring information
contrary to his belief. He thinks that what he belief is the best to him and
many others.
3.horizontal (same level) where as communication between bosses and their
employees. so between them there is no competition, but there is only loyalty
and obedient from the employee to the bosses. that is way way horizontal
communication is difficult to be done.
4. The director of omega airlines has to be very clever to manage the
employee. The director has to think out of the box to safe his company. he
also has to take all of the employees opinion while where the best is to save
it. But as my opinion tom should reply Randles memo although he has his
own think to improve the system of the company.
5.Improving the communication of the organization is not easy exactly, but it
has to be done so don not to be selfish in every individual. it has to make the
truth in the organization and always keep the communication between the
employee and also the boss. Because as my understanding the purpose of
communication is to get information, motivate, feedback

1. In this case seems that they ignored effective communication. They didnt
communicate for every person. Merely certain person who has a good
communication like Leigh Randell. The prove that communicative communication
have ignored is when Tom Ballard said that he also has ideas on how to improve
the system, but why he didnt show his ideas firstly.
2. Yes, he is Tom Ballard
Tom Ballard seems that he help himself when Kent Davis said that Leigh Randell
is trying to improve the president system. Tom Ballad didnt want to be assumed
as a person who make mistake, so he said that he also has ideas.
3. It happen may be because of miss communication or there is no effective
4. Omego airlines must improve any kind of system which exists. They can

combine ideas of every person.

5. Every member of an organization must show their ideas in front of other
members. The ideas collected, choose best ideas and combine the ideas. Every
member must respect to the ideas which appear.

1. There are two barriers to effectives communication happened in this

matter. They are inattention and ignoring information. It happened
between Leigh Randell and Tom Ballard. Tom Ballard didnt reply Randels
memo addressed to him about the information regarding specific
procedures, time, and costs for boarding passengers on through flights.
2. Yes, Tom Ballard is wrong in this situation. He should reply Randells
memo because what Randel thought will be beneficial for everyone,
involved Passenger Services, In-Flight Services, and, most important,
Omega Airlines. Because Tom Ballard as the Passanger Services
Representative- Atlanta, so Randell requested information regarding
specific procedures, time, and costs for boarding passengers on through
flights. In my opinion, Tom Ballard is a egoist person. At least, although he
doesnt agree with Randels opinion, he should reply Randels memo for
3. Horizontal and diagonal communication are more difficult to attain
because (1) Horizontal communication facilitates the linking of different
areas of expertise and this may encourage innovation (2) Diagonal
channels may potentially cause conflict as they involve communication
between the lower level of one department to a higher level in another.
4. For remedying this situation, the management of Omega Airlines should
re-arrange the management within it. Better for all the employee in
Omega Airlines to make a conference soon to make clear about the
condition in that place. For remedying this situation, hoped all employee
5. Every people have different point of view for receiving other people
opinion when facing a problem, moreover within organization area which
consist of many people. It will not be easy to improve communication
here, so most of people should respect to other people opinion. If one of
them find something unclear in a communication, better for them to ask
(make clear) for improving communication in order to decrease
missunderstanding among them.
1. there are some barriers communication in this case, the sender didnt give
attention to the situation of the receiver of the message, in this case the
sender should give info by calling or e-mailing the sender so his message will
receive by the receiver well . and than the receiver should check the memo
every time of his memo because if he does not check it he will be lost of
2. i think in this case both of receiver and sender are in the wrong side
because all of them did not pay attention each other. Randell should gave the
information to Ballard that he send message and then Ballard should did not

angry to Randell of his idea. he should receive every good idea to support his
3. i thing that the communication vertically they do not have problem
because they have different level so the can receive idea well than if they
communicate with people who in the same level because they think that they
4. the management should improve well. the vice president should care with
problem of their supervisor. they should improve their communication
5. in improving communication the omega Airlines should respecting and
obeying other people . and they also must use politeness and good attitude
with other people.

1. In my opinion the communication is not completely success. There must be three elements
in doing communication; sender, message and receiver. the problem is that the way to
communicate is not effective. I find two indications in this case, first is the sender (Leigh
Randell) and the second is receiver (Tom Ballard) who barrier to effective communication. as
a sender (Leigh Randell), she should know the condition of the receiver. Even the messages
have been sent to Ballard, Omegas passenger services representative at the Atlanta base, but
she did not make sure or recheck the message whether it is read by Ballard or not. why she
did not call him to speak or reexplain to convince or make sure that matter. sometimes people
too busy in writing while they are busy. the second is that the receiver does not get the
message because he is too busy handling his job or servicing the passengers so that he does
not see the messages. he also should always check the message in. the ignorance of the idea is
one of the factor. in short, there should be a confirmation before doing a plan. i also find that
there is not good relationship between Ballard and Randell, thus it is impossible to do a good
2. As I said before that there are two indications; sender and receiver. while Randell sent he
message without confirm or convince the message again, she only thinks on her idea without
other while she has senior or others in one company who are important to compromise. in
other hand Ballard did not pay attention to the memo. it is the ignorance (arrogance) that
barriers the effective communication. for Tom Ballards reaction, I think it is not good no be
angry with so arrogant. he should respect Randell good idea even he has a good idea.
3. I think it is because of they have different ideas in doing their jobs. the way they
communicate is different, the culture is different, the level is different and many others that
are different.
4. the management of Omega Airlines should always can read the situation of the company,
condition of people and others. I recommend that this company should pay attention to the
manner in doing communication in the case of important thing. there should be a technical

meeting to solve the problem by selecting the ideas with the best choice that both both
Ballard and Randell can admit them. thus, it can improve the president system of boarding
passengers on through flights to benefit everyone.
5. in improving communication in the organization, people should be in good attitude with
the best language that means a polite and respectable. I think that it should be responsible
between them while doing a job or communicating each other.

1. What i see in this case is that the communication among them are not run well. They just
look after them selves, and do not think more about the effect of being like that.
Communication in an organization should be good until no misunderstanding there.
2. I think all of them are wrong, because they do not have good discussion, just doing what
they have to do in their part without discussing it with partners to make it flow and clear. In
4. What I suggest for such problem of organization, why do they not make a meeting for all
stuff to make all be clear. What is the problem until all being like this, how it must be, and
looking for the good problem solving together in order not to make the organization being
broke, because it big organization. Everyone will really regret if this organization being
5. According my experience in joining organization, communication is one key to make an
organization run well. We must keep it as well as possible. When a part of an organization has
a problem even it is very little problem so we have to tell it or discuss it to our partners. Dont
make misunderstand there, because one mistake in communication may be big problem.
it can be concluded that this problem all is caused by miss communication. there must be
structured communication and contacting each other.
1. Based on this case, actually everyone has ability for communicating each other such Leigh
Randell, in my perspective that there are some barriers in that case for doing communication
such as accepting, receiving, and being responsibility whatever and whenever the effect then,
but in other side the matter was showing off in this case, we have to criticize what happen
then. That the communication absolutely is not effective. The biggest matter of it is Tom

Ballard had not a good respect from Leigh Randells message or memo about it.
2. Absolutely, Tom Ballars is not true or we can say big no no. In this case (this situation), in
my own perspective among receiver and sender should be balance each other. The sender
wants the feedback and receiver gives the feedback. But in this case is quietly different, both
of them are hardly selfish with own idea. If Randell and Ballard wants everything looks
smooth and perfect, they should be warn each other and those will be fine to lead what they
3. Because power domination between the highest and the lowest level surrounding them. So
they should be extrovert to get the best way. It is because of managed the idea lately and the
way to communication. If they were not easily communication, it would be difficult to
4. The management of Omega Airline is good. But it will be much better if the Omega Airline
can be collecting and attending and gathering all the members to manage this situation. Gives
them opportunity to explore their idea for losing power domination in it.
5. The improving communication in that organization, it just open mind to get not only the
right side (the strange) but also the bad side (the weakness) even inside or outside for doing

1. Barriers experienced in such cases is the absence of effective mutual communication

between employees within the company.
* Randall has requested information about passengers system Tom Ballard.
* And Tom Ballard reaction was that he did not want to answer and tell the real
* The reason Tom Ballard everything he has communicated directly to the boss
* He was able to directly ask for permission to his superiors that Kent Davis,
without coordinating first with Randall
3. Horizontal Communication (communication landscape) is the sending and receiving
messages between individuals in the same level in a hierarchy. Diagonal or cross-channel
communication (cross communication) is the communication between the head section with
other section staff. This communication is communication that cuts vertical and horizontal
For example, junior staff members can directly go to his superiors, and the telephone, email
or visit the Technical seniors in other areas to get information. Some studies suggest that in

organizations that have low-performing, diagonal communication used by staff to seek

appropriate information in the request the presence of working procedures, when in
organization high performing, diagonal communication used fatherly staff resolve difficult
and complex work. As a sign of flexibility diagonal communication-for example, in organicorganization is clearly can cause problems even more extreme again caused a riot. Because
failure to achieve consensus says. This is because they feel the task is very important.
4 The existence of communication, both from the employer to the employee level is down. To
be useful is no longer mutual misunderstandings among employees.
5.In order for effective communication takes place within the company, because all things are
done in the companys aim to provide something for customers, employers, shareholders,
employees, communities and others. If you do not know what you want the output produced
by the company, how can the company objectives are effectively achieved. Communication
happens in a company happens to two kinds of vertical and horizontal directions.
Communication horizontal (landscape) is the communication that occurs between the
employee levels. When communication is more dominant in the corporate landscape that
leader will get a rival company because intentionally or not much information that is not up
to him. It can also lead to the decision taken to be less precise or wise. Communication is
most common vertical communication from top to bottom, where the superiors have always
governed their subordinates to do the job. However it should be, there is also the opposite
direction i.e. from the bottom up, so that information from subordinates can be considered
superior to make decisions. The contents of the communication vertical top to bottom,
usually contain directives or criticism of subordinates performance. Is this just a mere
command or an exchange of information, it depends on the information and its relationship
with work. The relationship between communication and conflict were very dominant.
Communication within the companys role is very important, because if the communication
does not go well, will result in many conflicts. Conversely, if two-way communication
between the management and employees that can work well, it will be able to reduce conflict.
Examples in the field that often arise as a strike. Thats one reason is the presence of a
prolonged conflict, which arise as a result of communication that can not be run properly.

1. the barriers detected here is (a) status differences( they both have different power and
means to inprove the system of thier organisation, they both want to help out, but one of them
tom is doing it for personal purposes. the other (b) is time pressure, tom says he is very
busy to reply leigh, not sure how busy was he but in Toms words, its sounds like Leigh did
not ask her questions in an understandable way.
2. Tom is wrong, even if Leighs questions were not straight to the point, he could have
replied in order break the noise and get what Leigh meant to say.

3. horizontal and diagonal communication is difficult because no has authority over the other,
so no one has fear of the other worker. they both have similar power levels.
4. give tom a verbal warning that this should not happen again, when a co-worker needs
something, please attend them as soon as possible, if you feel they are out of line, tell them
and them report to management so that the matter could be tackled and a solution will be
found. if you feel that you do not understand what someone is trying to say due to work
overload or time constrains(noise), give a feedback in order to show whether the message
was decoded and encoded effectively.
5. it will improve communication because all employees will start communicating in a way
that they will be carefull how they write or speak to one another, making sure that the
message is as clear as possible, also the reciever of the message has to provide feedback to
complete the communication process, if feedback shows understanding, then the
communucation was effectively excecuted.

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