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ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY (EE-103-F) EXPERIMENT NO. 2 AIM: TO VERIFY THEVENIN’S THEOREM. APPARATUS: DC NETWORK EIT AND CONNECTING LEADS, ‘THEORY: THEVENIN'S THEOREM as applied to the dc nerwrark cht may’be stared as the ‘cunt flowing through a load resistance R, connected across any two terminals A and B of a [near bilateral network is given by Wry. / Bic+Re where Vix is the open cht voltage and ‘eyjis the intemal resistance ofthe network froma terminal A to B with all volage sources zeplaced with their intemal resistances and cuent sources with infinite resistance. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: |. To find the cuent Sowing droush the load resisiance R,_ as shown in fig. remove ‘Bom the ckt temporarily and leave the terminals A and B open circuited 2. Calculate the open ct voiaze Vz which appears across tenminal A and B. Vine = LR ‘Thisis caled Thevenin’s volage. Now calculate Ry =R; Rs (Ri-Rs. Ths is called Thevenin’s resistance Calculate k= Wry. *Ra). Vrs E RRR: THENaNUALOn SE) ages ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY OBSERVATION TABLE: SRNO [APLED |W [Vn [ae = tr VOLTAGE | (voit) (vers) (Ohms) | (ma) | (may (volts) | Theo. Pract Pract. FESULT] ‘RESULT: THEVENIVS THEOREM has been verified. DISCUSSION: tn Thovinin’s equivalent cicuit Thovenin’s equivalent voltages in series with, ‘Thevenin's resistance and the load resistance. PRECAUTIONS: 1. Switch off the supply when not in use 2. Reading shoald be taken carefully. 3. All connections should be tight and correct. (QUESTIONSIANSWERS (QU To what ype of circuit Thevenin’s theorem is applicable AL Linear and bilateral (Q20 Whatis the use of Theventt’s theorem? A To conver the complex cht into a volmge source anda series resistance Q3 How Roy is comected withthe ekt? Alnseries (Qu How is Rn; connected with the load resistance? Atnseries (Q5 What modificasion is done in galvanomater to conven it into a ammeter? ALA borg: resistance mi parallel (Q.6 What modification is done in the galvanometer to convert it nto a volmmeter? ALA sens resisamce (QU Resisance isan active element or the passive? A Passive Gate) Page ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY (Q4 How will you calculate the Rea? ‘A. The resistance berween the tro terminals (Q9 tapiace of curen source, whats placed while caleuiing Ry? A Replace coren source by open lt {910 a place of ing source which secicl parsers placed? SAsbin cit TRE MANUAL(En SEM)

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