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To those who always question loyalty, trust and love:

Love isn't a "semicolon"

--Love is a "period", not a "semicolon".
The process may be continuous, as lovers go deeply into the realm of love, but,
it has to be bounded. No lover should trespass by showing signs of discontentmen
t: to look for another prospect when the process isn't working as it is expected
, for there is no perfect love, so as the process. If expectations take preceden
ce over learning, then love will not grow, rather, it will wither. Be brave to c
lose those windows and focus on what can you do to strengthen what has been esta
blished. Admiration, can be a temptation. Don't be a fool.
--Love is exact, not ambiguous.
No lover should be confused of his/her decisions. Loving may test one's rational
ity, by choosing things to prioritize, and in this process, a lover must be exac
t. If he/she chooses not to pursue the process, he/she should not give false hop
es by assuming that things will be working but he/she isn't even willing to be i
nvolved in the process. Many relationships get broken by false promises, and mos
t of them are products of assumptions without actions. Don't fill the jar fresh
flowers (soon they'll wither), rather, plant a seed inside and always keep an ey
e on it.
--To love is a process of assurance. Many relationships are failing because of the
lack of action to pursue what has been started. Also, to love is to respect and
protect the process, for it will always involve temptations and possibilities.
A lover must withstand all evils.
--We should always remember that what makes the loving process successful isn't wh
en it's perfectly attained, but rather when it is longer maintained. Again, love
always exists before the "period" not after a "semicolon".

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