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Student Name: Danielle Oyama

Period: 0

Research Topic: Student-Centered Learning

Thesis- Research Question: (The Why?)

What are the problems with student-centered learning, and what alternate methods could
be taken to properly implement them?

The Solution (The How)-1 sentence description that defines your practicum (What exactly
are you going to do to positively impact the problem by)- List all steps you are
Through a series of meetings and interviews, the expertise of experienced educators will
guide my research for a resolution.

What do you hope your outcome for this Practicum will be?
A positive implementation of student-based learning or its dismissal altogether.

What is the location of your Practicum?

Riverside Poly High School

What agencies or outside sources will you be using?

In order to aide in my project, I will be interviewing teachers at a local elementary

school, teachers from poly high school, and student of all ages.

What steps will you take to begin your practicum and how will you document each and
every step for completing your project (journal, blog, video blog, ect.). How will your
research be evident in your final practicum?
The opinions and advice for every individual affected by a change in curriculum will be
vital to the implementation or dismissal of student-centered learning. A compromise of all the
varying suggestions will result in the final practicum sought after.

How will you portray your final practicum in your digital portfolio? (TED talk,
documentary, video, screencasts, ect) Remember no poster boards or powerpoint
presentations. Your final product must be able to stand alone- that means anyone could go
to the page and view your presentation without you being there to show it.
My final practicum will most likely be portrayed as a screencastify, my voice narrating
over video clips and pictures relevant to the project.

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