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I was standing facing the room, staring through my trembling eyelashes at everything that

was around me: chiars, table, the showcase which held only three knickknacks (a grey, ugly cat,
a white rooster with a red peak and a little boy which had his pants dropped) the only
humane things among the glasses and the coffee sets. I was also looking at auntie Marta, who
was either taking a nap or working on a sweater that she would never finish. I was looking
through my eyelashes like at a static movie, an old, grainy film, an image that was past the rain. I
turned, facing the wall, and at the eye level there was a yellow cloth with black marks of
different shapes, dots and lines. I was just standing with my eyes open, making figurines, I was
connecting the pieces of dots and lines in all the ways possible,as if I was reading from the
grounds of a cup of coffee. The yellow cloth was like a sky before a storm in which bugs, UFOs,
headless dogs, kids without legs, stylized giraffes, mushrooms, crippled stars, barbecues,
triangles, circles, earrings, ladles, snails, potatoes, eggs, filamentous roots, wings, and
frightening faces would float. Everyday I would find something new, everyday the generated
figure would change, new things would show up, new monsters, the sky was either paradise
or hell, ocean ground or hissing garden. This cloth was my only friend, it helped me survive, I
was so grateful to it that -look!- I took it with me, in my mind, I can unfold it whenever I want,
like now (this is what I actually did). I was going to discover it later in Miros cloths, Jackson
Pollocks cloths or in Tanguys cloths and I love to use the word cloth for paintings, I love the
cloth in paintings, its palpable materiality, the fabric in which imaginary forms are impregnated.
My first painting, the one of my reveries was, in the end, a simple piece of cloth.
My anguish would not end even during summer, for example at my grandmother Elviras
house (because, my other grandmother, grandma Ana, never forced me to sleep during afternoon,
she would sleep while I would do my tireless activities, through all sorts of corners and pantries).

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