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Guillermo Pinza Castro 10/01/2017

Elevate learning Experience- Draft Book of Mormon: 1

Nephi to Alma 29 (Rel 121)
1. How can I strengthen my faith that Jesus is my Savior and that He will
keep His promises?
I can strengthen my faith in Jesus by first accepting him as my only
Savior, accept his sacrifice and expiation in the cross. I have to be
repented of my sins and accept his expiation to heal my soul and my
entire body. As He say in the Holy Scriptures If we love him, we have
to follow his commandments.
2. Why are the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Atonement of Jesus Christ
Them are very necessary because only for this, we can have a body
of flesh, so we can get into the eternal plan of Salvation. When we
choose to come to earth in the premortal existence, we accept this
plan in order to feel joy and have eternal bodies such as our Savior.
3. How do the first principles and ordinances of the gospel bring the
sanctifying power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ into my life?
Because when we get repented and baptized, we choose to follow
Christ and his commandments and accept his sacrifice, so every time
we feel that we need to be repented we can use the power of the
atonement to heal and purify my life another time.
4. How can I become a more effective member missionary?
I can become a more effective missionary member, by always trying
to seek the truth that is saved in the holy scriptures, we need more
than just have baptized, we need a real conversion and change of
our hearts in our life. By always being pure and caring ourselves to
have the company of the holy ghost we can be better in every aspect
of our lives.
5. How may I strengthen my conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ?
I always have to be following him and his commandments, I need to
have daily scripture study, paying my tithings, fasting, sharing the
gospel to my friends and family. This things will help me a lot in order
to have the company of the Holy Ghost and my Savior.

Having always the disposition to serve as Disciples Leaders, we can

reach every blessing that our Heavenly Father have prepared for us
his children.

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