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30 Mar 1936 - ZANE GREY

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Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), Monday 30 March 1936, page 11

"Well Satisfied"
MR. ZANE GREY, who is about to leave Bateman's Bay for Queensland waters, told Mr. Gilbert Whitley,
ichthyologist at the Australian Museum, that he is very well satisfied with his Austra lian visit so far. He has caught not only striped
marlins, but several kinds of sharks, Including hammerheads, ranging up to 10 feet long. He has also
caught the first yellow-finned tuna recorded from Australian waters. The nearest record so far has been
from Vanikoro. near the New Hebrides. This fish is the basis of an important industry in California.
Surrounded as he was on all sides by catches of sharks and swordfish during his visit to Bateman's Bay,
Mr. Whitley brought back nothing but some gobies, about, an inch long. They are of great scientific

13/01/2017 10:05 PM

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