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Mexico is a beautiful country with over 128 million people living there. Among those
128 million people, most of them speak English and Spanish; their main religion is Roman
Catholic. Mexico is directly below the United States of America. Their government is much like
ours: it is a republic. Their average household income is about $843 a month per family. That
may not seem a lot to us but that is an average living amount for them. Mexico is located close to
the equator so the weather usually warmer than the U.S. There are 31 states in Mexico and they
are referred to as The United Mexican States. Mexico is also home to some very beautiful
landmarks. (Chapultepec Castle, El Angel, National Palace, Plaza de la Constitucion) We picked
the beautiful country of Mexico first of all because it is our neighbor and because that is one
country we are most familiar with.

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