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Preparation work
- centerline marking
- checking
- install ramp
- crane inside
- unloading material at site
- column beam install
- check position (from #1 port centerline to each b/stay center line) ------- check vertical (50mm L&R vertical, using plumbop)
- check dimension
- full weld bottom column after finish checking
- install tightening rod after refractories built-up after bulk head
Preparation work
- wall marking
- foam work
- wall installation
- division wall
- skew brick
- foam work setting
- rider arch install
- fill brick install
- levelling inspection
- wall continue
- flushing hole brick
- checker brick and wall until port level
- crown
Regenerator Fin act as a heat transfer to reduce the Regenerator temperature to
prevent over expansion at Regenerator brick.

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