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In the book And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, Emily Brent deserved to
die. In the scene where Emily is riding to soldier island in a third class train carriage, she thinks
to herself Everyone made such a fuss over things nowadays! They wanted injections before
they had teeth pulled-they took drugs if they couldn't sleep-they wanted easy chairs and
cushions and the girls allowed their figures to slop out anyhow and lay about half naked on the
beaches in summer(8). This shows how stuck up Emily Brent is, judging people based on just
their age and stereotyping them to strictly bad stereotypes. Another example is when Emily is
talking to Vera, and she says Black or white they are still our brothers Vera said our black
brothers-our black brothers. Oh, I'm going to laugh. I'm hysterical. I'm not myselfEmily said,
(110). This shows how much she would judge people based on non important thing like race or
ethnicity, without even knowing who they are. In this final example Emily is talking to Vera again
and she is talking about how Emily thought out her maid because she was improper, but then
the maid killed herself, and Vera asks what did you feel like when you knew she'd done that?
Didn't you blame yourself I? Brent answered I had nothing with which to reproach
myself,(111). This shows how Emily Brent values properness more than people's lives. That is
why, Emily Brent, a character from the book And Then There Were None, deserved to die.

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