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uiwery e It means beginning the day at 5:30 at the crisp break of dawn. It means assembling everything into place from the minute she unlocks the front doors. Ark Preparation and organization is nothing-but-her true ally, ensuring her students are completely equipped for the day when they arrive bright and early at 7:30 sharp. The minute the children rush i, she places herself in a Sate of composu, confident and ready to hurdle daily obstacles, Flash back to her early years of education, and she held a different story to el Th tale included her constant struggle as a student, and her overall disinterest in school. trite tp of i her head, she suddenly recalled the name Mrs. Seifert, someone who served as her main support ied ocho made during her time of personal conflict with reading, a monumental difference in her life (Wve dyeadio> (Sterns). Without Mrs. Seifert, herecupation easily could have been nothing, but a second. oh thoughts Lyin. WN Dus tt 4 a ga © Never did it occur to Liz she would find herself in the realm of easton “I guess I was one of those people that never knew what they wanted to be when they grew up, and I just ended yor he or up backing into education,” she explained, recollecting menial job after menial job she onee- Zhai obtained (Sterns). Right after grade school she found herself as a bank officer, and soon after;a pizza maker in her college years. “I wish I was one of those people who are like, ‘oh, I know I wanted to do this from the time I was bor,’ never happened,” she mimicked in a humorous Abo ay a leanne, recog ni2 f manner (Sterns). She remarked ort her unrelenting path/as a leaming experience, and a time of growth where everything fell right into place-Apy_ fui ahi DT pn vol ae ‘Shebegan her journey into pie behavioral schoo! in 1995, where she taught and dealt with high school students fat harbored severe behaviors. Six years aiker, she found herself at Chariho Middle School, where she feels as though the students and faculty coincide as

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