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Kirby of the Stars

Episode 2 And so it Begins!

Its a calm day in Dream Land, Kirby and Ribbon have just
begun their journey in search for the crystal shards.
However the calm sky would soon be surrounded and fully
covered by clouds its a storm!
-Kirby: Ack! Why did it just have to start to rain? The weather
report said the day was gonna be clear!
-Ribbon: My wings better not get wet or I wont be able to fly...
Kirby, do you know somewhere we can hide from the rain?
-Kirby: Uh look! A cabin! We can ask for shelter!
The kids arrive at the cabin.
-Kirby: Hello? Anyone there? Huh, it seems the place is empty.
Lets rest here until the storm ends.
Both kids grab a nearby blanket and lay on the floor.
-Kirby: So stormy day we got, eh?
-Ribbon: Yeah... well, what do you think we can do to spend
the time?
-Kirby: Lets see Maybe you could tell me where you come
from? Some extra information would be neat.
-Ribbon: Okay, Ill tell from the very beginning. *Clears throat*
First off, this is the planet I live on: Ripple Star. A peaceful
heart shaped land and where fairies live.
Anyways, I lived in the capital near the coast of Ripple Field,
specifically in the Pixie Kingdom.

Over the citizens rules the Fairy Queen: Queen Ripple who
also happens to be my mom.
It all started one day. School was finally over (I attend a magic
school, by the way). I then sat under a tree and started writing
on my diary.
-Ribbon: Dear Diary: School is finally over and vacations just
started, yay! I cant wait to see where mom will take me to
spend the summer...! At least thats what Id say if she wasnt
so busy in her job. Sheeeesh, its the same every year
I was about to leave to my house in the castle but suddenly,
some sort of shadowy figure walked past me. I turned around
and I saw a tall warrior with black hair, grey armor, grey cape,
one eye and a black floating body. The warrior gazed back at
me and keeps walking. I tried to chase him but he simply
Suddenly, I saw a gigantic black orb floating in the sky. The
black orb started releasing smaller (but still big) orbs with
wings who started to shoot smaller black orbs towards the
ground, they were attacking us! I took my stuff and hided
under a nearby bench. Suddenly, I heard a voice.
-???: Ribbon please come to the castle.
-Ribbon: M-mom!? Is that you?
-???: You have to come to the castle, quick before the get you!
-Ribbon: Before they get me? I dont understand I better
hurry up then! She might be in danger!
I set out and went to the castle. Suddenly, one of those black
orbs appeared. But this one was different this one had
petals and 3 tentacles coming out of its body! I tried to run
away but he caught me and couldnt escape! The orb gave an
evil glare and I was horrified. Suddenly, I remembered one the
spells from school.
-Ribbon: Aqua Benedictum!

Suddenly a blob of water appeared in my hand and I threw it

at him. I was hoping that Holy Water would kill it but it was
just blinded for a moment. I took the opportunity and ran for
my life in one narrow passageway. The orbs screams
attracted the attention of his companions, who were pretty
much identical to him. One of the orbs stayed with the blinded
one while the rest started chasing after me! I tried to use
another Holy Water attack but I was exhausted. I could barely
fly and the orbs were about to get me. I was done for
But suddenly! I hear another Aqua Benedictus! near me! It
was one of my fairy friends: Natalia! A fairy with blue hair, two
pigtails and an orange dress like mines. She went along
several other fairies and stopped the orbs for a brief moment,
enough time for me to escape.
-Natalia: We heard the Queen! Go to the castle, well distract
-Ribbon: Thanks!
I flew as fast as I could towards the castle. From a brief
glimpse of my eye I saw my friends get captured but I tried
not to think too much about that they were counting on me.
I was starting to lose height but luckily I landed near the
castles entrance. Unfortunately the 4 guards (who were
fairies in armor) were trying to attack me for some reason it
seemed as if they were possessed I cant explain it. One of
them managed to hurt my foot with her lance. I tried using
Holy Water but only a small splash came out small enough
to give them enough damage to one, I barely managed to
enter the castle. I made sure to close the door and tried to
rest for a moment.
I took force and went upstairs and went to the Queens room. I
opened the door.
-Ribbon: Im *tired wheeze* finally here, mom.
-Queen Ripple: Thanks heavens youre here! Are you hurt?

-Ribbon: Only a bit. What did you call me for, mom?

-Queen Ripple: I needed to hand you something. Come here.
Both go to a room with a giant Crystal in the center. The
Queen hands over a bracelet to Ribbon.
-Queen Ripple: This is the Crystal Bracelet. Ribbon, this item is
of vital importance to this planet, never let those Dark Matters
get it!
-Ribbon: Y-You mean those bad guys from out there?
-Queen Ripple: Exactly. You see, Dark Matters are evil beings
known for conquering and corrupting planets, no planet under
its influence has ever been known to survive their invasion.
Theyre a pest. Theyre known as completely unstoppable and
they seem to have no weakness whatsoever except for this
Sacred Crystal. The bracelet I just gave you is the only thing
able to control the Crystals powers, capable of purifying any
being that has been influenced by the Dar
Suddenly, it sound like someone was hitting the door! The
door is suddenly sliced in half by a sword it was the same
dark warrior I saw before the Dark Matters invasion. And he
came back with several more of those Dark Matters.
-Dark Warrior: Took us long to find you, queen! Hand over the
-Queen Ripple: I have no idea what youre talking about
-Dark Warrior: Stop playing games! The more you resist, the
more we will destroy. Forget it I just saw you have it on that
shrine on the room.
-Queen Ripple: Shoot! Ribbon, go take the Crystal to a safe
place! Now!
-Ribbon: Im on it!
I flew towards the Crystal but

-Dark Warrior: Youre not going anywhere!

He suddenly swung his sword towards me and he shot a black
lightning towards me. Suddenly! A Diamond shaped Barrier
covered me! The lightning hit the barrier and was reflected
towards him!
-Queen Ripple: Quick! This is our chance! Go for it!
Dark Warrior stood up and tried to slice me with his sword.
Luckily, my mother grabbed a sword from a nearby decoration
and blocked the attack.
-Queen Ripple: Your fight is with me, bastard!
-Dark Warrior: Dammit what are you waiting for, soldiers!?
Chase her!
-Dark Matters: Were on it!
I grabbed the Crystal (which was bigger than myself) and used
the bracelet to fly away with it like a rocket.
-Queen Ripple: Farewell my child
I escaped from the roof and tried to escape with the Crystal,
but soon I realized 4 Dark Matters were chasing after me!
Since the whole kingdom was already being invaded I had no
other choice than to escape from the planet. The bracelet
suddenly glowed and it gave a barrier shaped like my head so
I could breathe in space.
I kept going upwards and soon realized the giant Dark Matter I
saw earlier was even bigger than all the previous ones
together! I bet it was even bigger than an entire country! I
was soon far into space, but the Dark Matters were still
following me. I looked back and I saw the gigantic Dark Matter
pull out a part of itself and send it forwards after me!
I bet this one was as big as a cloud lets call it Dark Matter
Cloud, okay? Now I was being chased by a gigantic mass of
Dark Matters, the thing was even shooting parts of itself to
reach me. It was disgusting They were managing to reach

me but suddenly, the Crystal Bracelet started to glow! A

Crystal started surrounding my left arm (the one I had the
Bracelet on) and it formed a Cannon Buster!
I started to shoot at the cloud and was successfully taking it
down but the darn thing kept regenerating after each shot.
After a while the cannon lost its energy and the Dark
Matters managed to reach and the Cloud managed to swallow
me whole. I was being surrounded by multiple Dark Matters,
they managed to catch the Crystal I knew I was done for
But suddenly! The Bracelet started to glow once again! From
the Bracelet a robotic voice said: SELF-DESTRUCT IN 10
I had no idea what was gonna happen, I just closed my eyes
and hoped for it to be over. Suddenly, the Crystal exploded in
a zillion pieces! The Dark Matter Cloud exploded and this time
didnt regenerate at all. It was dripping blood, I think
I got hurt from the explosion and started to fall while I was
holding to one of the Crystal Shards. I closed my eyes as I was
reaching the atmosphere of this planet. I felt like I fell for
hours. The bracelet used what little power it had left and
surrounded me in a very weak shield strong enough to make
me survive the fall.
I fell.
To this planet...
And then you found me.
Now the only keepsake I have from my planet is this diary
-Kirby: A-Are you crying?
-Ribbon: N-No, its just that
-Kirby: Dont worry, its okay to cry sometimes We will get
back those Crystal Shards, you will see!

-Ribbon: T-Thanks. *sniff* I feel better now.

-Kirby: Yeah, I also miss my planet sometimes.
-Ribbon: Wait, so youre not from this planet?
-Kirby: Nope, I landed in this island about 5 or 6 years ago. My
spaceship malfunctioned and crashed here in Dream Land.
-Ribbon: So how was your home planet like?
-Kirby: To be honest I dont remember much, I was still a
baby back then The only thing I remember is someone
putting me in a spaceship, but Im not sure if its the same I
crashed in here with
-Ribbon: Well at the very least you found a home in this
land, right?
-Kirby: Yeah! I managed to make plenty of good friends in
here! Ive also had a lot of adventures here and Im pretty
famous around here hehe... In fact I could even tell you
about this place and people so you dont get lost here!
-Ribbon: Really! Thatd be great!
-Kirby: Okay! It all started one day where I crashed in this
island called Dream Land!
The kids spent the rest of the day and night telling stories
about each others pasts With none of them noticing the
storm had ended hours ago.

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