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________Milly Jantarakolica_______

Migration Core Case Study Questions

Instruction: After you have read your core case study complete the following tasks
Task I: As a group, summarize your core case study in one paragraph without looking at your
core case study (5-7 complete sentences):
The Monarch butterfly is an animal that migrates from Mexico to Southern California. They
migrate to cooler places so that they do not have to tolerate with the hot weather during the
summer and to hotter places during the winter to survive the cold weather. The monarchs have
short lifespans which means that they live a short period of time. By this, there might be three to
four generations of the Monarch butterfly in a year. The Monarch butterfly rely on genetically
based behavior since it knows the pathway of its migration since it was born (basically born
knowing the pathway of its migration). Since they live for a short period of time, not all of them
are born at the same places which means that not all of them would migrate at the same direction
(they are in a different stage of migration). The Monarch butterfly has genes that would help
with their muscles which this helps them in migrating at a long distance. Lastly, the Monarch
butterfly uses the sun as a compass to tell the direction in which they have to migrate and the
wind which helps blow them to reach their destination. (this is possible because they weigh less
than a gram).

Task II: In pairs, answer the following questions about the core case study. You may have to do
additional research in order to answer some questions.
Answer the question carefully the information will be used in the next class and will appear on the
quarter exam.

1. Describe the migration behavior of your core case study. Where did the organism start
out and where did the organism go? The Monarch butterfly starts out at Mexico to
Southern California. (However, some might go the opposite way according to where it
was initially born)
2. Why did the organism in your core case study migrate? The Monarch butterfly migrates
to the cooler places to survive the hot temperature during the summer and to hotter places
to survive the cold temperatures during the winter.
3. What were some of the risk of migration in your core case study? It is not stated in the
reading, but as I researched it has stated that the Monarch butterfly had to face risks in
climate change in which they would not be able to arrive at their destination safely since
climate is one of the factor in which the Monarch butterfly uses to migrate. Another
factor is the forest in which the habitat in which the Monarch butterfly lives in are being
destroyed. They might arrive at the place where there should be, but there is no more
forest or habitat that should have been there.
4. Did the organism in your core case study rely on individual learning, genetically based
behavior, or social transmission for migration behavior? Genetically based behavior
because the Monarch butterfly parents might die since the time it was born, the Monarch
butterfly would be born knowing the right direction to migrate without needing to learn.

Name: ________Milly Jantarakolica_______

5. Did the organism in your core case study use the Earths magnetic field, the sun, or the
stars as a compass?
a. If it was used, describe how.
b. If it was not used describe what other methods were used.
The Monarch butterfly uses the sun as the compass to know the direction in which they have to
migrate. The Monarch butterfly are able to use the sun Furthermore, the Monarch butterfly uses
the wind to help blow the butterflies into the location that they desire to go since it weighs less
than a gram, the wind plays a big factor.

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