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Test of the Classical Model of Prey Choice

Directions: Using the information provided, decide whether the predator listed is likely to eat only one of the
prey items or if the predator saw the less valuable prey in their environment would they eat both prey items.

Assumptions of this model:

Prey value is measurable energy

Handling time doesnt change between individuals of same species
Handling & searching cannot be done at the same time
Predators wish to get the highest rate of energy
profitabilities = E1/h1 & E2/h2
E2/h2 > E1/S1 + h1
E2/h2 < E1/S1 + h1


Parus major

Parus major is a species of birds that eats mealworms. Birds have two different size of prey-- large = Type 1
prey & small = Type 2 prey
Type 1 has a search time of 30 seconds. Once Type 1 is found, the predator spends 20 seconds handling the
prey. Type 1 gives the predator 100 calories when consumed
Type 2 has a search time of 25 seconds. Once Type 2 is found, the predator spends 10 seconds handling the
prey. Type 2 gives the predator 25 calories when consumed.
Type 1: 5 cal/sec
Type 2: 2.5 cal/sec
Including searching time: 2 cal/sec
Should the predator hunt only type [1 or 2] and ignore the less profitable item if encountered or should the
predator eat the less profitable item?
The predator should eat both items because even when it includes searching time, the energy that it gets might
be less than the one that is right in front of it.

Buteo jamaicensis

Buteo jamaicensis is a very efficient bird of prey. They hunt other birds. In this model we are going to look at
two prey Type A and Type B.
Type A has a search time of 360 seconds. Once Type A is found, the predator spends 60 seconds handling the
prey. Type A gives the predator 1,200 calories when consumed.
Type B has a search time of 420 seconds. Once Type B is found, the predator spends 30 seconds handling the
prey. Type B gives the predator 1,400 calories when consumed.
Type A: 20 cal/sec

Type B: 46.7 cal/sec
Including searching time: 3.1 cal/sec
Should the predator hunt only type [A or B] and ignore the less profitable item if encountered or should the
predator eat the less profitable item?
The predator should eat both items because even when it includes searching time, the energy that it gets might
be less than the one that is right in front of it.

Procyon loto

Procyon loto is a land predator. In their habitat they have three different prey they can hunt Type 1, 2, and 3.
Type A has a search time of 60 seconds. Once Type A is found, the predator spends 60 seconds handling the
prey. Type A gives the predator 500 calories when consumed.
Type B has a search time of 100 seconds. Once Type B is found, the predator spends 100 seconds handling the
prey. Type B gives the predator 800 calories when consumed.
Type C has a search time of 80 seconds. Once Type C is found, the predator spends 100 seconds handling the
prey. Type C gives the predator 500 calories when consumed.
Type A: 8.3 cal/sec
Type B: 8 cal/sec
Type C: 5 cal/sec
Including searching time: 4.2 cal/sec
Should the predator hunt only type [A, B, C] and ignore the less profitable item(s) if encountered or should the
predator eat the less profitable item(s)?
The predator should eat both items because even when it includes searching time, the energy that it gets might
be less than the one that is right in front of it.

Ambystoma tigrinum

Ambystoma tigrinum is a salamander with two prey options: Type 1 and Type 2.
Type 1 has a search time of 10 seconds. Once Type 1 is found, the predator spends 20 seconds handling the
prey. Type 1 gives the predator 100 calories when consumed
Type 2 has a search time of 250 seconds. Once Type 2 is found, the predator spends 50 seconds handling the
prey. Type 2 gives the predator 100 calories when consumed.
Type 1: 5 cal/sec
Type 2: 2 cal/sec

Including searching time: 3.3 cal/sec

Should the predator hunt only type [1 or 2] and ignore the less profitable item if encountered or should the
predator eat the less profitable item?
The predator should eat only type 1 because the least energy that it could get including the searching time is
more than the one that is right in front of it.

Analysis Questions: Answer the following questions in complete sentence. When justifying
your answer, use information from the problems as well as result of the math equations.
1. Which one of these species are likely to be a generalist species? Why or Why not?
Parus major, Buteo jamaicensis, and Procyon loto (first 3 species from the first 3 questions)
are likely to be a generalist species because it could eat everything without actually choosing
that much.
2. Which one of these species are likely to be a specialist species? Why or Why not?
Ambystoma tigrinum (from the last question) is likely to be a specialist specie because it
chooses what it would eat specifically. It chooses not to eat the one that is right in front of it
to eat the one that has more calories. (picky)
3. What type of environment would each species likely live in? Why?
Parus major might live in forests where there are trees because they eat worms and birds
usually live in trees.
Buteo jamaicensis might live in rainforests because there is a lot of space where it could fly
and hunt for birds.
Procyon loto my might live in grassland since they live on land, this might help them hunt
Ambystoma tigrinum is might live in rainforests because salamander likes to live in like a
humid wet type of environment.
4. What type of predator are each species? How do you know?
These types of predator are active predators because they hunt for their food instead of
just sitting and waiting for their food. This is because we calculate using the searching
time which is the time that it searches or hunts for its food.

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