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Koenig 1

Joey Koenig
British Lit Period 1
22 September 2016

From the very first moment my eyes met those of the world, a difference in awarness had
been birthed upon me. Growing up in a clan-esq manner of family, from a sister-Natalie-born in
1995; three other brothers, the oldest John, the middle child Brian, and Ted born in 1998, myself
included, has always promised a different experience. Being the first of my siblings to enter the
newly parented arms of my mom and dad, my oldest brother John has always subliminally
appeared to me as the test subject. Not only was he the first Koenig/Peckel of five to be born,
he also suffered all the unknown variables. The answers my parents had not yet known;
sometimes not even being able to see the question. Having a number of siblings has always been
a prime backing to the way I have gone through life, especially when looking back at the
educational decisions contrived by my parents, firstly exhibited in my brothers and sister and
eventually my brother and myself.
The start of all my siblings educational career began at Alcott Elementary school, from
kindergarten to sixth grade, then to attending Gage Middle School through years seven and eight.
Little did we understand how mine, and my brother Teddys, educational experience would later
be greatly influenced by that of our sister and brothers. This change in scenery wasnt
instantaneous. With Teddy and I both attending Alcott, we followed the footsteps of our other

Koenig 2

siblings as planned. Unforeseen complications forced us to pick up shop and relocate to a new
school-those unforeseen complications involving a racist principle and a bad joke. With our
parents already upset by past experiences at the school with John, Natalie, and Brian the last
straw had been pulled. Goodbye Louisa May Alcott and hello Immanuel Lutheran. Being in a
private school, the different atmosphere was obvious, both in the long term effects of my
perception of sheltered people and the general environment of classroom activities.
Already, our path being diverted from those of our siblings, we had learned in a different
environment for part of our time in fifth and sixth grade, although the full change wasnt yet
completed. Once done with our time at Immanuel our road to Gage Middle School ended before
it even began, with my mother hearing about a relatively new school a little ways from our
current living situation. As it turns out, Gage isnt seen as the prestine school-going experience it
might have once been, so off to Frank Augustus Miller Middle School we went. Gage was never
a stand out school when it came to my other siblings experiences, becoming more obvious of its
imperfections as they each went through, year by year. While Miller was a steril learning facility
being only a couple years old-using the term old loosely-I made sure not to let my two years at
a private institute affect my time being tossed back in a public school. The longer commutes to
school were a burden, having to wake up around six in the morning. On the other hand it allowed
for more bonding in the car, especially when it came to our common annoyance about the
morning mash up talk show we all enjoyed belittling.
While at the time my difference in academic scenery might have seemed irrational and
damaging, the effects were more or less for the better in shaping who I am today. Noting how my
siblings are to blame for such a change in my experience through school.

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