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Koenig 1

Joey Koenig
British Lit Period 1
22 September 2016
Now That is Respect

The job applicants spiral into the doors of the new department store on 12th
street. All walks of life, from tweens to teens, aiming to score an effortless summer job.
Whether it means buying a new pair of sneakers or paying for that trip to Disneyland,
money is the prime interest, at least from one individuals perspective. Jack stomps
onto the storefront and is befuddled by the competition, or lack thereof, as he knows
by his outgoing persona and go getter attitude he has this interview in the bag. An
hour passes and all but him and another stand waiting to be spoken to by the manager.
Jackson Smith, the lady at the front utters. As soon as Jack hears, he forces himself
up, walking through the door. However, the final applicant, whos been waiting behind
him the duration of the time, draws Jacks gaze. The teen sits patiently; his clothes
tattered with all that remains as a skeletal shell of someone once before stands in his
place. They are clearly someone struggling to hold on to the bare necessities of life.
Food, shelter. Jack ponders for a moment and plants himself back down, ignoring the
interview. Taking off his jacket, Jack hands it to the guy. Here, this should help he
says. Jack smiles and walks out of the store, missing his interview. Now that is respect.

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