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In these sentences, underline the main subject of the sentence and put
commas around any information which is modifying by apposition. Be prepared
to spot any apposition which you think is too long.
1. After supper, Sandra our new au-pair decided to go out to the
2. My new secretary sitting over there in the corner with the red hat goes
back to Spain for her holidays.
3. Madrid the bustling, colourful capital city of Spain has a fast-growing
4. Real Madrid the citys most popular football club has serious financial
5. Arthur Howard the newly-appointed manager recently arrived from a
successful season with Manchester United is expected to buy some new
players soon.
6. This colourful plant a late Christmas gift from my forgetful brother-inlaw has very complicated watering instructions.
7. Annas latest problem a blockage in the kitchen sink caused by some
uncooked lasagne proved to be much less serious than everyone expected.
8. The Boeing 767B the multi-nationals latest sub-sonic flagship already
has large orders from all over Eastern Europe.
9. The leaning tower of Pisa one of Italys most visited and photographed
monuments is in serious danger of imminent collapse.

2. Underline the most suitable choice of pronoun in the following

1. Everybody would like it to be their/his/her lottery ticket who/that is
selected for the big prize.
2. Even the children theirselves/himself/themselves were not sure about
who/whom/that the teacher was angry with.
3. Whoever/whichever/whenever wrote that abusive graffiti on the school
wall should be ashamed of themself/themselves/himself.
4. The police said that they/he/it were unsure of where the escaped
prisoner had got to, but that their/his/its investigations had indicated that he/they
could already have crossed the border.
5. The President said the government would do all he/she/it could to help
the starving people in Africa and that it/they/he would be calling a ministerial
meeting to discuss the exact measures to be taken.
6. The film star said she wanted to attend the Oscar ceremony in Los
Angeles, but his/its/her manager had informed her/him/it that it/he/she was going
to be picketed by animal rights activists.
7. Only two of the female dancers were able to explain why he/she/they
had forgotten to make his/her/its/their entrance in the show at the time the stage
manager told him/her/them.

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