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1)What usually triggers asthma?

2)What are the steps to avoid triggers that might cause asthma?
3)How should a patient keep track of their asthma condition?
4)How should a patient act during an asthma attack?
5)What are the signs of an asthma attack?
6)What are the signs that my asthma is getting worse?
7)What are the pets that my child can get or keep?
8)Is it safe to play sports for children who have asthma?
9)What are the changes that i need to make in my environment?
10)What are the usual side effects of the medicines for asthma
11)Am i using my inhaler the right way?
12)What are the medicines that I should always bring and other extra medicines
in case something happens
13)Whom should I call if my asthma gets worse?
14)Are there other things that I should do before playing sports/exercising?
15)Can stress trigger asthma?
16)How should I talk to my child about his/her asthma condition?
17)Is it safe to exercise with asthma?
18)Are there things I can change in my daily life to minimize asthma triggers?

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