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The University has a thorough and systematic review procedure in maintaining and building its excellent
faculty. This review mechanism is designed to ensure that an individual becomes eligible for a merit
increase or a promotion to determine whether or not advancement should be recommended. Advancement
must be in accordance with fair procedures solely upon demonstration of the professional qualifications
following review.

Numerous personnel actions reflect the advancement of a faculty career. It allow flexibility and choice for
each individual in the development of his/her career. It is based on personal growth and achievement rather
than on the responsibilities of a particular position. Merit increase reflects advancement through the steps
and salary levels of a particular rank. Appraisal constitutes an evaluation of an Assistant Professor to
provide advice and guidance prior to a tenure decision. The appraisal normally occurs between the third
and fifth year of service. Promotion marks advancement from one academic rank to another.

The criteria for promotion and advancement are:
(1) Teaching

Research and Other Professional Creative Work


Professional Competence, Activity and Recognition


University and Public Service


The University has long endorsed the principle of nondiscrimination and consistently supported the rights of
individuals, advocating that an individual receive neither more nor less favorable treatment simply because of his or
her race or sex. It upholds and stand in support of the comprehensive affirmative action on personnel policies and
programs. These affirmative actions are designed to increase the number of minorities and women underrepresented

in the University workforce, to ensure equal opportunity, and to encourage the appointment and advancement of
these underrepresented groups. Recruitment procedures are designed to ensure all qualified candidates for a position
an opportunity to be considered fairly; to eliminate stereotyping assumptions, such as a belief that women
with young children will be unable to devote themselves adequately to their profession; and to provide adequate
internal grievance procedures for those who perceive that they have been the victims of discrimination.. The review
mechanism is designed to ensure that individuals are judged by their colleagues in accordance with fair procedures
in all personnel matters. Selection or denial of appointment, promotion, or merit increase shall not be based on
ethnic background or gender. However, in selecting from among candidates who are substantially equally qualified
for a particular position, in such circumstances, and in the interests of diversity, affirmative-action
considerations might control the final selection.


All personnel reviews commence at the department level. The Department Chair notifies each faculty member of
his/her eligibility for personnel review and then assembles a review file, which, after departmental discussion and
voting, is sent to the Dean or other appropriate administrative officer.
In promotion, an ad hoc review committee is appointed by the President from nominations provided by the Senate
Committee on Academic Personnel. The majority of the ad hoc membership comes from outside the home
department and the membership of this committee is kept confidential. The ad hoc committee reviews the case and,
normally, its recommendation is sent to the Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP).
CAP considers the case after the ad hoc committee and the Dean have submitted their letters. If no ad hoc review is
required, CAP proceeds once the Deans recommendation is received. It will review and evaluates all
recommendations and documentation thereof. CAP's recommendation is forwarded to the Office of Academic
Personnel for the final decision.
Ad hoc committees are not normally used for appointments to Assistant Professor position or for merit increases.
CAP normally provides the peer review. A recommendation goes from this committee to the President or Vice
President for a final decision.


During the entire review process confidentiality is a critical requirement. The membership, deliberations,
recommendations, and report of ad hoc review committees are confidential. Solicited letters of evaluation and

the personal recommendation by the department chair likewise are confidential. Breaches of confidence are
subject to disciplinary action.


A faculty member can access or inspect all documents relating to his or her personnel review record except
those which are confidential. Upon request, he or she is entitled to a redacted copy of all confidential material.

The tenure process actually begins at the time of initial hire as an assistant professor. Appointments to the
positions of Associate Professor and Professor are continuous in tenure until terminated by retirement,
demotion, or dismissal. However, a tenured retirement cannot be terminated without review and except for a
good cause.


Appointment for less than full-time service and voluntary or continuing reduction from full to part-time
appointment require the approval of the President.


Career development opportunities are available to all faculty members. Particular programs are provided that
empowers career and development to minority and women junior faculty and assist them in fulfilling their
ambitions and potential.

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