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MCN Speech Outline

Topic: Power is not a dirty word

Theme Statement:
Power is not the atrocious edifice is it made out to be. It is rather a
fundamental prerequisite to run things.

Opening Statement:
Money, Corrupt, Politician, Law, Fist. According to a recent study by
a leading Political research firm, these are some of the words that come to
peoples minds on hearing the word Power. It induces contempt, fear and
loathing in peoples minds. But is it really that bad? Does having or
exercising power make anyone a bad person?

P1- Definitions and manifestations of Power
P2- Illustrations of Power where it helps and is an absolute necessity to
exercise influence and get things done in:
1. Democracy and governments
2. In the corporate world/organizations
3. In society/family
P3- Illustrations of Power used negatively. Description of how it could so
easily have been the other way around & such examples are the exception
rather than the norm.

Although power has such negative connotations in peoples perceptions, it
is not something that has to be abhorred or abstained from. Power is a
necessity, an essential tool to maintain influence and keep things running
in all walks of life.

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