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Introduction to Data Management

Quiz 8

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Winter 2015
Score (out of 10)


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You will have 20 minutes to finish this quiz.

1. Finding all outgoing call records for a customer takes too long. The following query is used:
SELECT * FROM CallInfo WHERE fromPhonenumber = 9491234567
a. Write a statement that creates an index that can help speeding this query up. 2 points

b. Should this index be clustered or unclustered? Explain your decision. 1 point






2. Take the B+-Tree shown above. For every question, start with the original version of the
a. What is the height of the tree? 1 point

CS122A: Introduction to Data Management

Winter 2015

b. How many pages do we need to read the values for the range query [3, 10] (inclusive) 1 point

c. Show the tree after inserting the value 1. You can leave out unchanged subtrees and replace
them with (same) 1 point

d. Show the tree after deleting the value 4. 1 point

3. Imagine the tree above would have been bulkloaded (with the same values).
a. Draw the bulkloaded tree. 1 point

b. How many pages do we need to read the values for the range query [3, 10]? 1 point

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