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Vulgar is believed to be a derivative of the Latin word Vulgaris which roughly

translates to common or everyday. With time Vulgaris evolved to Vulgar
meanings lacking of manners, uneducated, of low class, dirty and so on.
In the hands of the Koine speakers the word Vulgar became . When
transposed to the medieval languages became Bolgars.
In Koine there was in fact another Word, the ethnic definition of the or
Boulgaroi (Bulgarians), a people who once built an empire in the Balkans.
The word (Boulgaroi) is derived from the word (Voulga). is
the Koine name of the river Volga where the Proto Bulgarians originated.

When the written form of the Koine word was transposed to the modern
languages, it became Bulgars.

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