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Animal Behavior Group 3


Each group will research one of the following vocabulary words or evolutionary
Students will need teach the definitions and explain the vocabulary word or
concept to their classmates

There needs to be at least one picture of the idea. Students will need to explain what the picture
is and how it relates to their assigned topics
Each groups presentation should have at least two slides fully explaining idea
Oral presentations should be 5 minutes (+/- 30 seconds). All group members must speak at least
once in a loud and clear voice. At least one group member should be prepared to answer
You may include youtube videos in your presentations (1-5 minutes) that will not count toward
your five minute presentation
You may include questions for classmates or class discussion topics in your powerpoint


Students will have one class period to work on project and should divide up
work to edit ppt on Google Drive

No group member should be without an assigned task during the class period.

Researching information , writing script for presentation, finding pictures,

brainstorming class discussion questions, watching youtube videos, et

Each Animal Behavior Class has ppt on Google Drive
Students will have one class period to work on project and should divide
up work to edit ppt on Google Drive
Project is due by 9 PM tonight. I will download ppt to my computer for
presentation (my computers presentation mode does not like Google Drive
ppt, will not work)

So, basically the Phylogenetic is the evolutionary tree. It is a branching
diagram or tree showing the inferred evolutionary relationship among the
biological species. Which based on physical characteristic or the genetic


It is the description of each evolutionary relationship. Basically means,
how each species have a common ancestors and how each ancestors have another
common ancestors.
Show evolution of all species and how they
related to one another.


Convergent Evolution
A process that organisms
evolve their physical
Similar traits
Same function
Different ancestors
Due to the environment
Analogous structure

Convergent Evolution

Divergent Evolution
Species share common ancestor
Evolve differently >
their own environment
Become more and
more different

NEW species!

Divergent Evolution
Example: Darwins Finches
Finches came
from the same

The ancestor
started to

They adapted
and evolved

Darwin found 13
species of them.


Those finches
got different

Reproductive Isolation
Is when the species of organisms changed and they are no
longer sharing gene pool with the original species.
1) Behavioral Isolation
2) Geographic Isolation
3) Temporal Isolation

Reproductive Isolation
There are 2 isolating mechanisms:

Prezygotic Isolating Mechanism (before mating)

Preventing zygotes to form
Unable to physically mate with each other
Habitat isolation

Mechanical Isolation

Behavioral isolation Gametic Isolation

Temporal isolation

Reproductive Isolation
Postzygotic Isolation Mechanism (after mating)
Preventing zygote to function properly after they have
The offsprings will not survive long after fertilization
or if the offsprings are infertile or have reduced fertility

Reproductive Isolation: Behavioral Isolation

Is when two populations of a species that can mate have
different courtship ritual or behaviour Prevent interbreeding
-Signals to attract mates
-Elaborate behaviour
-Courtship ritual different between species

Reproductive Isolation: Behavioral Isolation

Eastern and Western Meadowlark songs differently

Reproductive Isolation : Temporal Isolation

Is when two or more species mate at different times.
Ex. Wood frog and Leopard frog mate at the different times of the year.

Geographic Isolation

Happens when the same species in the same place are

separate from each other.
A physical barrier that separate a population into two or
more group
It can cause by rivers change course, mountains rise,
continents drift, or organisms migrate
- Mountain
- Ocean
- Lake
- City
- Road

Geographic Isolation

Geographic isolation also can lead to reduction of gene flow

as these separated populations of animals or organisms
cannot mate and exchange genetic material.
Scientists believe that geographic and
reproductive isolation are the causes
for new species forming.


Reproductive Isolation
process that prevent organism from reproduce
can be happening from: location
mating time
mating behavior

Reproductive Isolation

Geographic Isolation
it is a physical barrier that prevent organism from mating ( usually from accident)


example: fish cant mate with fish in other steam

Geographic Isolation

Analogous Structure

Different species have similar traits, even though those species do not relate

to each other
Different species and ancestor
In the same environment


Same function

Analogous Structure
For example, wings in both insect and bird are used for the same purpose which is flying.
They have different structures of wings

Butterfly - Thin layer of Chitin

Birds - Feathers

Bats - Chiroptera

These are all used in common function which is flying

Homologous Structure
Definition : Homologous structure is different species that share the familiar trait.
Same ancestor

Structure is familiar

Different in function due to the natural selection


Homologous Structure
Ancestor - Vertebrate

Two forelimbs

Two hinds limb


Human - legs for walking running

Bat - wing for flying

Vestigial Structure
Structures in the organisms body that are no longer use and not necessary for the
organism anymore.
In the past, these structures has been used before, but when natural selection
occurred, these structures then became useless.
Show the evolution of the past generation


In human
Wisdom Teeth

In animal
Leg bones in snake
Leg bones in whale

Definition : When one specie evolves and it influences another closely associated
specie to evolve, so they evolve together over time.




Example : Mutualism coevolution is when coevolution happens to species that benefit to
each other for ex. Moths and Orchids


When the process of evolution occurs and causes new species to form.
Shows how different species are created.
In order to create different species, the individuals need to be reproductively isolated from
each other. (dissimilar enough to not able to reproduce with other species)
If the offsprings can still reproduce with other offsprings, they WILL NOT be considered as a
new species.


In the Galapagos islands, there

are 13 species of finches.
These finches derived from the
same place.
However, they created new
species by adapting to the


Natural Selection

A factor that causes evolution to occur

Consists of 4 factors :
Genetic variation
Struggle for survival
Differential reproduction
Animals that can adapt to these factors,
will be able to survive in the next

Natural Selection

Variation of both green and

brown beetles.

The birds only eat green

beetles. This causes the rate
of green beetles to decrease.

Traits are heritable. Only

brown beetles survived over
a period of time.

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