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Nunez 1

Claudia G. Nez Gonzlez

INGL 3104 M40
Reader Response #4
The Road Not Taken
April 19,2016
Two Roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both. The poem
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost is a complex poem that has to be understood and analyze
to know the meaning of it. This poem I very confusing for various reasons. The theme of the
poem depends on the perspective of the reader and how the audience relates to it. Frost made this
poem to really think twice, because it can mean something to me but maybe is not exactly the
same meaning as another person. I personally believe is about making life choices, no matter
how difficult they seem.

The narrator is not identified w do not know if the poet is the person making the choice or if is
just a character created by the poet. What is the big choice that the narrator has to make? Well he
or she has to choose which path to go on the one frequently use or the one that is obvious is less
used. The narrator chooses the one that has been use less because even if its a challenge he
knows that it will be worth it at the end. Although we do not know anymore about his path
except that he said it will be worth it at the end, we can infer that the path he took was not the
easy one.

Nunez 2
We can relate this poem with our everyday life choices but even more with the choices that could
change our life potentially in the future. For example, the choice to study in the university it may
seem small and even painful right now but it will hopefully pay off in our future when we are
professionals and working for our family. Also as we get older we have to make even more hard
choices, one for example is to buy a house or to get married to the right or wrong person. This
poem can be related to those choices the ones that do not look easy but will have a benefit at the
end. Because the narrator identifies the roads as the one that has been traveled frequently and the
one that has not been traveled as frequent because it is conserved and he decides to take the one
that he thinks its going to b difficult because not everyone goes through it.

We can not be conformists with our life choices, we need to sacrifice what we are right now for
our future. We need to think and choose correctly the difficult decisions for our future and
maybe they are not going to be the best decision you make but you made it and that is the most
important part. The human kind needs to step out of their comfort zone and look around for a
second to accept what he or she has in their life and be grateful. If we choose the easy path in our
life, we will not have experiences that will change us and hopefully for the better. In conclusion
we have to know what we want in life and if you are happy with what you have then
congratulations but if you are looking for a change take the path that no one takes and you will
see that it will be worth it at the end.

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