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Slayers Magic

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Slayers Magic
(Important note: There are three continuities to the Slayers universe: the novels, the manga, and the
anime. This deals mainly with the anime and there will be differences from the manga and novels.)
The spell list was taken from the site and compared with the anime series and what OVAs I
have. However the list was done before Software Sculptors and ADV came out with their
translations and clearly pulls from sources other than the anime series or OVA themselves as the spells at
times do not work as described at that site and in some cases even change fuction. For example Recovery
works as Share Fatigue spell in #76 but works as Major Healing in #26.

Path of kuro-majutsu (Black Magic)

Kuro-majutsu spells are powerful mainly because
they get reaction bonus for negative emotions or
destructive actions. The greater the destruction or
stronger the negative emotions, the higher the
reaction bonus. As a result, is is not uncommon to
get Good or better reaction rolls with Kuro-majutsu
spells. (See sidebar, Fatigue Costs.) The main
power sources are: Hellmaster Fiblizo, Deep Sea
Dolphin, Greater Beast Zelas-Metallium, Dynast
Grauscherra, Gaav the Demon Dragon King, Dark
Lord Shabranigdu, and The Lord of Nightmares

Black Magic - Curses and

Summoning Spells
Gaia Graze
Summon Brass Demon. The demon obeys
the commands of the person who summoned
it, and can only be damaged by spiritshamanist magic, black magic, and anti-evil
white magic.
Necro Vuud
Zombie (variant) spell but uses spirits and
Raugnut Rusyavuna
This powerful curse can only be used by
pure Mazoku. Any living being that is
enchanted by this magic turns into an
indiscriminate ball of flesh with the ability to
regenerate infinitely. Flesh snakes emerge
from the target's skin, which loop back and
devour the target - a process which repeats
endlessly, causing the victim to suffer eternal

Ritual Magic-6
Fatigue Costs

Spells in the Slayers universe are not entirely

powered by the wizard's fatigue. Rather they are
powered by the fatigue of wizard and one of three
groups: the kami, the Mazoku (demon/monster
race), and general spirits in a manner not too
unlike a Demonic Contract (M157, but without the
taint problem).
The main drawback is that each casting of a spell
requires a reaction roll of the being who is being
invoked (so two rolls minimum are usually
required for most spells). The better the reaction,
the more likely the spell will work as the caster
intends (Naga has average to poor reactions by
most earth spirits which is why her golem spells
tend to go haywire). As far as energy cost is
concerned, the reaction table is as follows:
Poor: Caster has to use HP (Darklord) or FP
(Kami) to power spell. However if the caster
survives they get a +1 reaction bonus for each
additional time they cast the new spell up to a
maximum of +5.
Neutral: Treat the caster as if in a very high mana
Good: As Neutral but treat fatigue as per demon
contract with no obvious down side.
Very Good: As Good with called on being
matching FP by Wizard with Lend Energy.
Excellent: Entire energy cost of spell provided by
Share Fatigue.
Note that the being whose power is being tapped
can cut off the power to a spell if they want. This

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pain. Legend has it that the Fallen Hero King

Dirus II attempted to wage war on the
Mazoku and was sent back as one of these
balls of flesh. There is no way to free the
target from this curse except to destroy the
Mazoku that cast it.

is why Zif's Dragon Slave on Shabranigdu was

turned into a harmless illusion; as Lina pointed out
it was effectively saying "please give me some of
your power so I can kill you". Please note the
reaction roll is not the same as the control roll so
you can get a good reaction (lot of power) but have
little control over the spell.

Vun Ga Ruim
Planar Summons ("Black Beasts") The Black
Beasts then touch the target(s) and start draining their mental energy. These beasts can only be
harmed by offensive spells of the spirit category, black magic, or white magic.
Zelas Got
Summon Animal (Jellyfish)
-L #31

Black Magic - Offensive

Balus Rod (Valis Rod)
A whip of light appears in the caster's palm which can be used to attack.
Blast Ash
The caster makes a black void appear in a certain area, and anything alive or possessing a spirit is
turned into ash.
-A #45; -L #49
Blast Wave
With a single hit with both hands, the spell can open a hole in a wall large enough for a person to
pass through with ease though no shockwave is generated.
This is an activation phrase for the talismans Xellos gives to Lina. Note that this calls on the Lord of
Nightmares herself: "Lord of the Darkness and the Four Worlds, I call upon you, grant me all the
power that you possess!"
Dark Claw
A spell which shoots out magical energy balls, which tend to resemble winged insects with unclear
edges. These balls cause the area which they touch to disintegrate, and go through the target's body.
Dis Fang
Animate Shadow variant (creates a shadow dragon).
-L #49
Dolph Strash
Like Dolph Zork, this spell calls on the power of Deep-Sea Dolphin. A spear-like shockwave moves
at super sonic speed, destroying the target. Unlike Dolph Zork, this spell can even be used where
there is no water.
Dolph Zork
Spell which calls on the power of Deep Sea Dolphin, one of Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu's five lords.
The spell turns water into a single sharp blade which cuts through practically anything. However,
this spell can only be cast where there is a lot of water.
Dragon Slave
Explosive Fireball variant powered by Ruby-Eye
-L #39
Dynast Bras

"Darkness from twilight, crimson

from blood that flows; buried in the
flow of time; in Thy great name, I
pledge myself to darkness! Those who

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Lightning falls around the target in a pentagram,

and then the lightning rushes towards the target.
Calls on the power of Dynast Grauscherra.
"Supreme King with the frozen soul! Grant me
the power of Icy Rage! Dynast Bras!"
-L #45, -A #48; -Z #49

oppose us shall be destroyed by the

power you and I possess! DRAGON

Dynast Breath
A spell which calls on the power of Dynast Grauscherra, one of Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu's five lords.
This spell instantly freezes the target with ice (which can freeze even Mazoku) and, right after that,
the frozen target is shattered along with the ice. By careful placement, though, it is possible to keep
the target alive in ice.
-Z #45
Ferious Breed
Summon Animal.
"Star which passes through heavens' night skies, heed the ancient coven and the Earth, I pledge my
life that he may be called forth! FERIOUS BREED!"
-L #35
Flame Breath
This creats a magic circle which pelts the enemy with energy.
"Anna-ku rahzu lamku so. izu-pe ku naomu! FLAME BREATH!"
-F #60, #76
Gaav Flare
Flame Jet variant. Powered by Chaos-Dragon Gaav.
-L #10, #45, -Z #30; -A #47
Giga Slave
Thought to be a combat spell, Giga Slave is in
fact a summoning spell for the Lord of
Nightmares (Golden Demon Lord). The Water
Dragon king, forgetting that the Lord of
Nightmares was the mother of both the Kami and
Demons, has portrayed the spell as having the
potential to destroy the world.
-L #51-52

"Darkness beyond blackest pitch,

deeper than the deepest night! Lord
of Darkness, shining like gold upon
the Sea of Chaos, I call upon thee,
swear myself to thee! Let the fools
who stand before us be destroyed by
the power you and I possess! GIGA

Hell Blast
This spell creates a spear of darkness which
steals the life force of living beings. This power of darkness ends the effect of all sources of power,
making it possible to destroy undead whose life depend on the dark powers.
Laguna Blast
This spell calls on the power of Hellmaster Fibrizo, one of the five lords of Shabranigdu. With the
target of the spell in the center of an inverted pentagram, a pillar of light shoots upwards, followed
by black plasma which spills out of the pillar and envelops the victim.
Ragna Blade
Creates a blade of composed of the power of the Lord of Nightmares (Golden Demon Lord) which
can cut through anything. However the spell takes a physical toll on the caster to the point of
causing physical damage if maintained for too long.
"Sword of the cold, dark void, free yourself from the heaven's bonds. Become one with my power
one with my body and let us walk the path of destruction together. Power that can smash even the
souls of the gods! LAGUNA BLADE!"
-L #37, #48-50, #60, #74

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Ruby-Eye Blade
A spell which calls on the power of Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu. The spell forms a crimson blade from
the powerful magical energy released by the demon king. The blade is even more powerful than the
legendary Sword of Light and can cut through anything in the world.
Zelas Brid
Calls on the power of Greater Beast Zelas-Metallium, one of the five lords of Ruby Eye
Shabranigudu. A thin band of light, more powerul than Dynast Brass, moves in any direction the
caster wills toward the target. The basic structure of this spell is similar to that of Balus Rod.

Path of seirei-majutsu (Shamanism/Spirit

Magic) (IQ/VH)

Ritual Magic-6

Seirei-majutsu is the broadest of the three magic groups, and is further broken down into Air, Earth, Fire,
Spirit, and Water.

Shamanism - Air
Aero Bomb
Makes a compact ball of air explode in the
desired location. Used like Deflect Missles.
Air Valm
A wall of wind appears in front of the spell
caster and deflects attacks.
Arc Brass
With the spell caster as the center, makes
lightning rain down on an area of several
Bom Di Wind (Boday Wind)
Shape Air.
-Z #28, #56, -L #54, #61; -A #56

Who Uses These Spells?

Spells that appear in the anime have a letter
denoting the person that cast the spell (N: Naga, L:
Lina, A: Amelia, Z: Zel, S: Sylphiel R: Rezo/copy
Rezo, H: Halciform, SE: Supreme Elder) followed
by the episode they cast it in (#1-26 is first series,
#27-52 is Next, and #53-78 is Try). For example,
Digger Bolt lists "-L #7, #11, #13, #14, #22; -A
#11": Lina casts this spell in episodes 7, 11, 13, 14,
and 22 and Amelia casts it in episode 11. This is to
allow others to fix any glaring errors that might
have crept in.

Bram Fang
A spell which creates an arrow of wind and cuts the target. Very weak against living things.
Blam Gush
The spell creates an arrow of wind, which is shot at a target and bursts upon contact (or at the
caster's choosing), shredding the target to pieces.
"Wind which blows across eternity, gather in my hands and become my strength! BRAM GUSH!"
-L #31
Damu Bras
A spell which shoots out a blue beam which can destroy a traget.
-L #11, #35 -A #20, #35, #38, #49, #50, #64, #67; -Z #49, #55, #64
Digger Bolt
A lethal spell which shoots out a blast of
lightning from the palm of the extended arm.
-L #7, #11, #13, #14, #22; -A #11, #69; -Z #34,

"Wind, crimson flame. Grant the

power of thunder to my hand!

Diem Claw
Rearranging Diem Wind to blow wind vertically, with the caster in the center, as opposed to
horizontally. No use except for when you want to put on a show, in which case cloaks become

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particularly dramatic.
Diem Wing
Wind variant (creates temporary strong winds which can be manipulated to the caster's will).
-L #8, #14, #17, #40; -A #11, #23, -Z #50
Dimil Arwin
Spell which creates a powerful wind by shooting a high-pressure ball of air.
-L #66
Levitation variant (Air rather than Movement college).
-L #8, #13, #14, #18, #23, #24, #57, #67; -Z #8 -A #18, #57, #40
Mono Bolt
Lightning variant.
- L #23
Ray Wing
Flight variant that can be combined with Force Dome (air variant) Depending on the wish of the
caster this can act as the Flight spell or a combination of Flight and Force Dome (which does not
have to be in the ground to work)
-Z #5, #58; -L #14, #24, #26, #28, #40, #61, Premium, -A #58, #70
Raza Klouva
Flickering motes of light blow towards the target like a blizzard. The spell deals damage to both the
spiritual and physical forms of a target.
Scatter Bleed (Scatter Brid)
This spell calls forth several dozen spheres of energy which swarm towards the opponent in
annoying waves but does negligible damage.
Wind Brid
Creates and shoots several shock waves of wind; basically the wind version of Flare Arrow.
Windy Shield
Surrounds the spell-caster with a barrier of wind which defends the caster from all attacks but
requires concentration to maintain preventing any other spells from being cast.

Shamanism - Earth
Behfis Bring
By calling on the power of the earth spirit Bephimos, a tunnel is created through earth.
-L #31, #66, #72; -Z #40, #60, #66
Blade Haut
A spell designed to supplement sword fighting by generating a shock wave along the ground when
the sword is swung.
Bogardic Elm
Earth to Water (Swamp) variant. Calls on both an earth and water spirit.
Boo Brymer
Bu Brymer Special
Shape Stone
Dil Brand (Explosion Array/Explosive Array)
With the caster at the center, this spell can blast anything upwards within a circular range of the

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ground, including dirt, rocks, or anyone inside. (stun damage only)

Dug Break
A spell which shuts out the power of Bephimos (the earth spirit) in the area and returns things to
their natural state.
Dug Haut (Stone Spiker)
A powerful and effective spell in which numerous large stone spears rush out of the ground. This is
done by gathering magical energy in a hand and slamming that hand against the ground, which
causes the layers underneath the ground to shift.
"Infinite Earth, mother of all things. DUG HAUT!"
-Z #6, #48, -L #14
Dug Wave
Earthquake variant (makes ground explode)
Gray Bomb
Earthquake variant (makes ground explode).
Requires bare ground
-Z #72

"Infinite earth, mother who nurtures

all life, let thy power gather in my
hand! VLAVE HOWL!"

Mega Brando
Create Fire+Explosive Fireball
-L #15 -R #19, -L #54
Mega Vraimer
Note: Calls on both Earth and Spirit Shamanism.
Shape Earth+Animation using Vu Vraimer. Unlike Animation the spirit will have is own intentions
and desires requiring contest of skill to keep control of the creature.
- N?
Vigarthagaia (viigassugaia)
Earthquake variant that does not shatter the ground and requires one to touch the ground.
Vlave Howl
Turns a certain area in the line of sight of the spell caster into a pool of magma.
-Z #10
Vu Raywa (Stone Ghost)
Shape Stone+Animation using the power of Bephimos (the earth spirit) to make and animate a
Dragon statue.
- N?

Shamanism - Fire
Balus Wall
Force wall variant.
-A #26, #40, #46; -H #31
Bam Rohd
Flame Jet variant
-L #61
Blast Bomb
The strongest fire-shamanist magic that when cast, balls of light about the size of a fist appear. Up
to this point, the spell is similar to Flare Bit, but each ball nearly has the same destructive power as
Burst Flare.
-X #36

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Bom Spreed
-Z #21
Burst Flare
A ball of light appears in the targeted area, and in
the next instant the ball bursts, raising a tongue
of blue white flame. The flames can melt even a
golem with ease.
-H #31, -A #53, #66 -Z #53, #66, -L #54, #65

"Source of all power, crimson fire

buring bright! Gather together in my
hand and become an inferno! BURST

Burst Rondo
Create Flame variant (creates numerous balls of light near a target which burst, spreading flames).
-A #11, #23, #70; -L #18, #49, Premium
Explosive Fireball
"Source of all power, light which burns beyond crimson, let thy power gather in my hand.
- L #7, #21, #75; -A #11, #21, #28, #31; -Z #21, #24, #29, #30
Flare Arrow
A spell which makes several fire arrows appear around the caster, and fly directly towards a target.
The number of arrows that can be created depends on the caster's skill. Through careful
arrangement, it is possible to make the arrows appear in places other than in front of the caster.
"Source of all power, crimson fire burning bright. FLARE ARROW!"
-L #7, #13, #18, #21, #28, #30, #34, #38, #54, #67; -Z #20, #34, #40
Flare Bit (Inferno Array)
A spell which creates several dozen small balls of light which burst upon contact. Each ball deals
about the same damage as a slightly strong punch, making this a useful spell when wanting to
capture, rather than kill, a target.
-A #49, #72
Flare Lance
Several Flare Arrows are fused together to form a spear which is then shot at a target.
-A #30
Flare Seal
Fireproof+Resist Fire variant. However, using this spell in
combat is difficult because of the long amount of time required
for casting.
Rune Flare
Creates a series of flaming spears which can cover a large area.
-L #53

"East winds that blow

Have you as their
Into my hands
Ignite all their force!

Val-Flare (Va Ru Flare)

Enlarged Flare Arrow that causes a tremendous explosion and deals a tremendous amount of
Vice Flare
A stronger version of Val-Flare. Both fire power and the area, upon contact, the explosion and affect
have increased.

Shamanism - Spirit
Ash Dist

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Disintegrates most undead (including Vampires)

-L #11
Astral Break
Destroys the target from the Astral Side.
-Z #66
Astral Vine
Temporary weapon enchantment can result in items as powerful as the Sword of Light.
-Z #38, #46-49
Blam Blazer
This spell shoots out a shock wave of blue light directly at a target which damages the target's spirit
and body.
-A #15, #18, #26; -Z #26; -L #49, #68
Divine / Search (tansaku)
Locate magical object that the caster owned or

Light! Gather within me and become

a flash! Smash the abyssmal darkness

Elmekia Flame
Stronger version of Elmekia Lance. Instead of a
lance, a pillar about as wide as a man's chest is shot out which attacks the spirit.
-L #22, #56; -A #66

Elmekia Lance
A spell which creates and fires a lance of light, which damages a target's spirit.
-L #15, #30, #34, #41, #49, #56; -A #26, #29, #34, #38-40, #43, #45, #47; -Z #34, #37, #47
A spiralling ray of light deals damage to a target. Since the spell doesn't travel in a straight path, it is
harder to avoid than spells like Bram Blazer which travel in a straight line. Can deal enough damage
to destroy a Brass Demon with a single hit.
Gai Ra Duuga
Summon Plasma Dragon (requires large body of water nearby. Has powerful electric breath)
Garuk Ruhaad
Strong wind which deals both physical and mental damage attacks outward, with the spellcaster in
the center.
-L #54
Goz Vrow
A spell which summons a "shadow" which first deals damage to a target's spirit and then to the
target's body. The shadow which appears on the ground heads for the target in a straight line and,
upon contact, deals damage to the target's spirit from the Astral Plane. Since the shadow is "alive,"
it cannot be dispelled by Lighting or other forms of light.
-Z #49, #61
Gu Lu Douger
Summon Dimos Dragon (only found in the Katart Mountain Ranges where the Demon King of the
North lives)
Astral Plane anti-magic shield. Does not effect material objects.
Mental Illusion, prevents other spells from being cast.
Scryguad variant (Astral Plane only)

"Source of all souls which dwell in

Puppet (kugutsu)

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Control Person/animae/anything with a spirit

eternal and infinite, everlasting flame

of blue, let the power hidden in my
soul be called forth from the Infinite!

The strongest spirit magic spell, which envelops
a target in blue-white light. This spell can only
be used against a single target - and only those
that have spirits - but its effect is absolute. The
blue-white flame can destroy even a pure Mazoku with a single hit.
-A #22, #26, #31, #36, #49; -Z #22, #26, #39, #48, #56, #76

Shadow Snap
Spell which holds a target by manipulating the Astral Plane through the knife pierced in the target's
shadow. A target affected by this spell can do nothing except cast spells. However, in a place where
there are no shadows or when for some reason the target's shadow temporarily disappears, the
effects of the spell ends.
Shadow Web / Shadow Wave
The caster's shadow stretches out like tentacles, which, by piercing the shadow of the target, brings
about the same effect as Shadow Snap. It is possible to hold multiple targets by creating several
tentacles at once. Can be negated the same way as Shadow Snap.
Telepathy spell
Visfan Rank
A spell which enchants the user's fists with magic. By striking with fists, it's possible to deal
damage directly with the magical energy.
-A #47, #62
A spell which allows an illusion of the spell caster to be projected over far distances and makes it
possible to converse normally.

Shamanism - Water
Aqua Breathe
Breathe Water.
Aqua Create
Create Water
-L #54
Cucumber Spin
Summon Animal (sea cucumber)

"You who crosses between sky and

earth, gently flowing water, gather in
my hand and give me power!

Dark Mist
Darkness with Fog variant.
Demona Crystal
An icy fog which suddenly freezes anything within.
-L #14
Dust Chip
Rain of Ice Daggers variant (small arrows of ice about the size of the tip of a fingernail).
Freeze Arrow
Throw Spell+Icy Touch (appears as an icy arrow).
-L #10, #14, #16, #21, #29; -A #71
Freeze Bullet / Freeze Brid / Freeze Bit
Throw Spell+Icy Touch (Looks like Ice Sphere)

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Freeze Rain
Rain of Ice Daggers variant (creates a ball of ice in the air which continues to shoot out icicles into
the area. Self powered and uncontrolable.
- N?
Gray Buster
Howl Freeze
Snow+Storm (creates a blizzard)
Icicle Lance
Ice Dagger
Ly Breim
A wave of freezing air shoots out from the extended hand of the caster; anything that is touched by
the wave is frozen.
-L #11
Sea Blast
Wave variant. Requires caster to touch the water.
-L #53
Sight Frange
Fog Spell
Van Rehl / Van Rail
Icy Touch variant (creates a icy spider web)
-Z #10; -L #30

"Holy wind, wind which flows gently

across the land, let all things be filled
with your pure breath! VAN REHL!"

Vice Freeze
The ice counterpart of Burst Flare; a ball of ice appears in the targeted area, which then bursts,
covering the surrounding area in ice.

Path of shiro-majutsu (White Magic)


Ritual Magic-6

Spells powered by the shinzoku (gods) of the Slayers world. There are five power sources: Karyuu-ou
Valbazaard (Fire Dragon King), Suiryuu-ou Ragradia (Water Dragon King who surived as a memory via
the Clair Bible in the form of Auntie Aqua), Chiryuu-ou Rangort (Earth Dragon King), Tenryuu-ou
Valwin (Air Dragon King) and Cefried (who resides within Luna Inverse).
Chaos String
Originally created for the purpose of construction work. Can be used to entangle strings thrown at
you with magical strings. Can also be used to entangle other objects, but since the spell is weak, it cannot
prevent the target from moving.
Chaotic Disintegrate
This spell forms an attack of blue light which
damages Mazoku.
-F #66

"Anaku soro'mu nazak'u sakriim.


Counter-Sleeping (suriipingu de neteru-hito o okosu-sube)

Awaken spell
Defense (bougyo no jumon)
A white magic spell which creates a defensive shield. This spell's defensive capabilities are far
greater than those of the spirit-shamanist spell, Windy Shield, but use a lot of magic power at once. As a
result, this spell can only be cast a few times each day.

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Dicleary (Detoxify)
Cleansing spell
Disenchant (kaiju)
Spell which negates the effect of curses and spells with durations (sleep, control, etc). Can only be
used by high-level priests.
Exit Ball
Spell created to extinguish flames. Since it isn't a very powerful spell, it isn't possible to extinguish
flames over a wide area.
Fishing Spell (iregui no jumon)
Lina's original spell which makes fish bite onto the hook at the end of a fishing pole.
Flow Break
Dispel Magic
-L #31; -A #35
Holy Bless
This spell dispells all low-level undead within a certain area around the caster. The spell's greatest
strength is not the effect of the spell, but the area of effect of the spell: large enough to affect a small city.
Holy Rezast
Filia uses this spell to send Ralmus to the next world.
-F #68
Raphas Seed
This spell can completely prevent a target from moving by entangling them within magical ropes.
-A #64

"You pitiful twisted creaters, not of

this world... by the Light of Purity I
The spell creates a ball of light which is about as
bright as a street lamp. Normally the duration of this
possess, I bid thee, begone to the
spell is 2-3 hours, but by shortening the duration the
nexus of our two worlds! MEGIDO
spell can be made brighter. A blinding flash of light,
for example, can be made by decreasing the duration to
a split-second.
"Light of life, brighter than flame, Let thy power gather in my hand."
-L #2, #13, #29, #31, #50, #64; -Z #22, -A #60
Magelock spell
Megido Flare
This is one of the anti-evil spells which has the effect of lessening feelings of evil intent and enmity.
It can also dispell weak spirits who wish to do harm. Against normal living beings, the spell has a calming
effect, but against the undead, the spell has a most un-calming damage effect.
-A #12
Mos Varim
A counterspell which can only be used against fire. This spell was created by improving the Ext
Ball spell. The spell creates a ball of light which has the effect of drawing fire into itself, extinguishing the
flames. Caution is necessary because the spell can also affect fire spells cast by party members.
Ray Freeze
This spell neutralizes opponents by preventing them from motion of any kind. Being unable to
move, targets are also rendered unable to speak, and thus, unable to cast spells.
"Anna-gurax ozu-lu-faam izul nax orumudohl. Ray Freeze!"
-SE #60

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Can be cast as either Share Fatigue, Minor Healing, Major Healing, or Great Healing (full chant)
-L #41, #47, #76; -A #55, #76, -S #25, #26; -Z #47
Major Healing variant.
Rune Breaker
By creating a ward in the shape of a pentagram, all magic within the pentagram is weakened. This
spell does not depend on the skill of the caster, but instead depends on the size of the pentagram. The
larger the ward, the weaker offensive spells and unnatural enchantments become.
-Next (not named)
Sleep / Sleeping
Sleep spell.
-L #6; -A #50
Lockmaster spell

"Blessed, humble hand of God.

Breath of Mother Earth, I pray thee
come before me, Show your great
compassion to this person and
deliver them! RECOVERY!"

A spell which has high defensive properties against the elements of earth, water, fire, and wind. It is
possible to enchant armor with this spell. However, the components required for the casting of the spell
are expensive.
Vas Gluudo
A spell which creates a magic barrier the size of a small shield.

Unknown Spells
These are spells that appear in the anime but are either not given names or only chants
Analyze Magic
Per GURPS spell of same name.
-L #3
Bomb Spirit
Occurs off screen, so we do not know what the spell does.
-L #40
-F #72, #74
Earth To Mud
Per GURPS spell of same name
"Earth Below, Heed Me."
-0 #29
Fel Za'red
-L #68
gem enchantment
A ceremonial spell that allows the caster to transform flawed rubies into a magical amulet of
"Source of all power, flames that glow red," - Sets up the magic square which must be aligned with

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Slayers Magic

"You who cross between heaven and earth pass beyond all, evermore." - Turns the ruby into a fine
"Infinite earth, gently flowing water, come to my hand and give this form." - Turns the ruby dust into
a magical amulet of protection.
-L #2
-A #64
Restores a room to the way it was earlier in the day. Chant implies some form of temporal
manipulation is involved.
"Time which has passed, be called back one more."
-R #3
Protection Barrier
Utter Wall (variant)
-A, -Z, -L #55
Controller of destiny! You who must come! You who goes! Join yourself to me and obey my will!
Come to me! Come forth my Ally!
Wizard Eye
Wizard Eye variant (illusion spells can be projected through it).
-R #8
The material presented here is the creation of Bruce Grubb, posted to on 1 December 2005 and put on this
website with his knowledge and implied consent. It is based on the intellectual property of Hajime Kanzaka, and is intended for
use with the GURPS Fourth Edition system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Mr.
Kanzaka or Steve Jackson Games.

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