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To What Extent was Odysseus Quest Heroic?

Sid Su 10-31-16 (US) 31-10-16 (UK)

Heroic means very brave or epic. Odysseus quest was very heroic throughout the
entirety of the book, but a few instances that stand out. Those times are when he blinded
the giant Polyphemus. As well as when he killed all of the suitors. Odysseus quest is a
heroic one because he blinded Polyphemus and killed all of the suitors.
Odysseus shows that it was heroic when he tricks and blinds the giant Polyphemus.
Even though '...[Odysseus]?' eat [Odysseus] last of all his friendsI'll eat the others
first! That's my gift to you! Polyphemus, Book IX. He decides that he will get everyone
out of the cave, not only him by ...[Seizing] our stake with its fiery tip and [boring] it
round and round in the giant's eye till blood came boiling up around that smoking shaft
and the hot blast singed his brow and eyelids round the core and the broiling eyeball
burst Book IX, This was brave and thus heroic because if the plan had gone amiss,
then the giant couldve massacred Odysseus and his crew very quick and efficiently.
Being heroic was also seen when Odysseus slaughters all of the suitors. While it was
clear that [The suitors are] all hateful, plotting their vicious plots.Penelope, Book
XVII, it was not necessary to actually kill all of the suitors and it would have probably
been more stable to just drive the suitors out since Athene was almost the only catalyst
keeping the realm from falling into rebellion. I saw the same god, now in front of
Odysseus, spurring him on, now stampeding the suitors through the hall,
crazed with fear, and down they went in droves!"... Terror gripped them all, their faces
ashen white. Medon, Book XXIV. Odysseus does it anyways which is a risky prospect
even with Athena as a co-belligerent.
Odysseus was heroic to a major extent due to what he accomplished and just how
efficient he was. Although Poseidon would forever try to damn Odysseus, he still blinds
Polyphemus. While it was a risky prospect to kill all of the suitors, he still does it.
Odysseus quest was heroic the likes of which are the perhaps the highest in all of Greek
Sid, you have good ideas, but you need to indicate how these actions reflect his heroism.
Right now much of your writing is filled with quotes

and then you merely say it is

heroic. 46/60

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