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Topic Approval Form

Student Name: Tatyana Richard_______________________ Period: ____4____

Topic: _______Why you should adopt and not shop a pet_____
Answer the following about your topic:
1. What is/are the social problem(s) associated with your topic
Adopting dogs and other animals from shelters saves them from being put down in a two week
time span. More animal shelters should begin to become a non kill shelter, that keeps all
animals in a comfortable home until they find a new home.
2. In what way can you attempt to address or solve this problem at a local level (at Poly, in
the school district, in your neighborhood, in Riverside, etc.)?
I can volunteer at a local non kill animal shelter in Riverside and get an insight as to what keeps
non kill shelters open and how they continue to make room for more animals without a home.
3. Explain how you might spend a minimum of 10 hours outside of the school day in the
community working toward this solution.
I would spend 10 hours volunteering at a non kill shelter in riverside and take part in caring for
these animals and making their stay at the shelter fantastic. There is also a foster program I
could take part in where I would take home and care for either a small newborn puppy or an
animal recovering from an injury until the recovered and could continue their stay at the shelter.
4. Explain how you might document your work toward this solution.
I would log my volunteer hours and interview fellow volunteers and those that run the shelter as
to how they keep the shelter running.
5. Explain any obstacles you might encounter in your attempt to address this problem.
I might not have time to complete the minimum number of hours a week in volunteering.
Your topic is Approved

Your topic is N
OT Approved ________

Your next step is to complete the research

questions. Remember, if you change your
topic, you must resubmit this form for
your NEW topic.

You will need to revise your topic and

resubmit this form BEFORE you begin work
on the research questions.

Teachers Signature: __________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________

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