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ShedIt is set inside a shed or abandoned place. The interior is bland and dull. This is
meant to reflect what is going on inside the head of the investigator and what he
is thinking. One camera in the top right hand corner that is never seen. There is
a simple table with one chair on the side of Person A. Everything is run down
with little to no interior effort. There is little light coming through the building as
its set at midday. Outside the shed, although never shown, is run down with
plants overgrowing. Hazlemere Forest near Tesco Express.

FieldLifeless, overcast and dark. The field is meant to represent the murderer. There
is no sun yet no rain. Still set a midday so you can see. The field is far away
from the shed. To show that he is miles away from everyone else in terms of
sanity and mental ability. In scene it shows him running which could make the
field his escape route and his way back to cause more damage. Its up to
interpretation. Hazlemere Rec. Wind could be a problem however the only
sound used will be breathing and not dialogue solving the problem.

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