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Espinosa Gallardo Avril

Roca Brothers


Joan (1964) is the oldest brother and the main chef of El Celler de Can
Roca, his culinary knowledge was enriched with the culinary school of Girona and extensive
travel, in 1989 he worked in El Bulli, in 2000 he got the national gastronomy award as the best
chef, in 2011 he got the Grand Prix de lArt de la Cuisine award of the international gastronomy
academy, Josep Roca born in 1966 is the sommelier of El Celler de Can Roca, he studied in the
Escola d'Hosteleria de Girona, in 2004 he got the national gastronomy award for the best Matre
de Sala, and the best sommelier in 2010, and Jordi (1978) the little brother who was born in
Girona Spain like the other two brothers, he was formed in the same school as his brothers, now
hes the pastry chef of El Celler de Can Roca, he has been awarded with Best Pastry Chef in
2003 by the Best of Gastronomy Guide, Best Dessert Menu in 2005 by the Gourmetour Guide,
in 2010 the Real Gastronomy Academy gave him the Paco torreblanca award to the best
pastry chef, and in 2014 the Restaurant Magazine named him the best pastry chef in the world.
The Roca Brothers, Joan, Josep opened El Celler de Can Roca in 1986
when they were 22 and 20 years old, Jordi the youngest brother joined them in 1995 as pastry
assistant but got the Pastry Chef position in 2000, El Celler de Can Roca is a restaurant located
in their hometown, it started as a small project next to their parents house, in 2007 it changed
its location to the actual one, nowadays it holds three Michelin stars the first one in 1995 it
second in 2002 and the third in 2009, it was named The best restaurant in the world in 2013
and 2015 by the Restaurant magazine, they serve traditional Catalan food, it has a huge wine
cellar with 60,000 bottles classified in champagne, Reisling, Borgoa, Priorat and Jerez, they use
ingredients from the Catalan area, and they combine simple flavors with molecular cuisine, the
three brothers have a different viewpoints like a culinary venn diagram, they said three heads
one hat any combination of flavors and textures is possible but it has to be harmony between
them, they even created some dishes based on perfumes like Calvin Kleins eternity or Carolina
Herrera Lancme and Bulgari, El Celler de Can Roca has been praised as one of the top
restaurants in Europe, El Celler de Can Roca has room for 40 clients, in the mid 2011 they got
rid of the main menu and now only serve two menus Degustation menu that is a tour for the
most emblematic dishes of the house (135) and Festival Menu which offers a more vanguards
view of the cuisine for 165.
The Roca Brothers have been working really hard to became what they
are nowadays, the owners of one of the best restaurants in the world, and top chefs in the
industry, theres no doubt that making a good team leads you to make your dreams come true,
and they are the clear example that brothers can work together because family is the most
important thing in life, and getting to pursuit your dreams with your brothers has to be one of
the best feelings in the world, they are role models for everyone who wants to be in the cuisine
industry because their dedication, passion and knowledge are motivation for every chef in the
world, for me the three keys of success in the Roca brothers life are Work Hard, Make a good
team and pursuit your dreams no matter how big they are.

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