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Bailey Sanford

Mrs. Erskine
College Composition 111
28 October, 2016
Prompt: If someone were to take a page out of your journal, describe an important moment in
your life. Or, describe a person who influenced your life thus far.
Drops of water filled the sky as the light blue atmosphere turned into a dark, cloudy
morning. The rain pounded against the roof and flashes of light illuminated the gigantic window
that elongated from wall to wall. Thunder snapped and crackled, causing myself to jump towards
my grandma. Puddles formed around her favorite weeping willow tree as the intensity of the rain
increased. Being a frightened six year old, I sat on my grandmas lap while she comforted me to
the best of her ability. Rocking back and forth on the rocking chair, my grandma and I sat
peacefully watching the storm.
My grandmothers way of comforting me in times of sadness and congratulating me in
times of excitement has brought me some of my most cherished memories. As a child, I spent
much of my time at her house while my parents were at work.On the days I spent at my
grandmas house when it was just me and her, our favorite thing to do was sit in her aging
rocking chair and watch the rainstorms that would occur. She had a soothing, calm voice that
would sing me to sleep while the rain drizzled and the wind howled.
My grandma has undoubtedly been one of my favorite people in my life. Ever since a
child, I had always admired the attributes she had and wanted to instill them in myself. My
grandma has allowed me to grow in ways she may not be aware, including appreciating the
simplest aspects in life. Simply watching the beauty of the rain storms or caring for others are

some of the modest but powerful acts she has passed down to me without the knowledge of
doing so. She has always been full of joy and life and spreads her happiness to everyone that she
meets. My grandma has instilled the best qualities within my heart that I hope to pass down to
my family in the future. Throughout my life, I will continue to strive to spread what she has
taught me onto someone else.

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