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Hoyt, C.

(2012) : The Pedagogy of the Meaning of Racism: Reconciling a Discordan

t Discourse.Andover,MA
Suresh,K. (2003). Theories of Communication.

This paper will criticize the film adaptation of John Greene's novel entitl
ed "The Fault in Ous Stars". The story is about two teenagers who fell in love w
ith each other after meeting in a cancer support group and this love of them wil
l eventually be hindered by the impending death of one of them.
A lot of theories will be used to discuss the text. However, the most preva
lent one would be the Development Communication Theory (under classical theories
of communication),Platonic love theory as proposed by Plato (with some modifica
tions from the side of Socrates and Aristophanes), and the Illness Behavior and
Sick-role behavior (borrowed from the field of medical science). The first theor
y will try to explain the behavioral change of main female protagonist Hazel Gra
ce Lancaster throughout the story. The platonic love will define the types of re
lationship between each of the characters. This will also explain the ideology o
r belief of Augustus Waters which is the main male protagonist. The overall beha
vior of the characters will be elaborated by the last theory. Illness and sick-r
ole will state the relevance of the characters sickness with their attitudes and
the way they think. And lastly, when it comes to the analysis of language,Tarra
yo's claim on the use of adverb and Vilches style on using nouns/verbs/adverbs t
o decode the story will be the basis for the criticism of the movie.
In most of the internet discussions, the movie received a lot of praise and
commendations.Some did not appreciate the movie and that will be focus of the p
aper; to analyze and criticize the story to see the possible flaws and good poin
ts that the readers either loved or hate.
I, as an audience loved the movie upon watching. But as a critique student,
I would say that the love story is quite typical and conventional if you would
remove the fact that both of them had cancer. There are not much of a conflict i
n the story except again for their sickness. There are also some flaws that will
be discussed later on in the paper such as the character of Hazel's parents and
doctors. Flaws aside, The movie is good and very heartmoving.

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