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Brag Sheet for 12th Grade Passage

The letter of reference you are being asked to write is for 12th Grade passage at
Harborside Academy.

Twelfth Grade Passage is

Passage from high school to college, childhood to adult, and proof that we have grown
as students and people in intelligence and character, ready to start our lives and
hopefully lead successful careers.

Below are some of the accomplishments I have achieved.

Unweighted: 3.979
Weighted: 5.604

Evidence of Learning Academic Strengths/Accomplishments as evidence by

awards, recognition's, academic grades and reflections
Membership in NEHS and NHS show that I have the GPA etc. required to join. I also
received a Honorable Recognition for my poem for Scholastic writing. I typically get all
As in all of my academic and elective classes which I think reflects my drive to do well
and get the most out of school as possible. My class rank is 2 out of 100 for weighted
and 4 out of 100 for unweighted.

Evidence of Personal Growth Character Strength and growth as evidence by

awards, recognition's, character grades and reflections.
Always passing Character, have gotten several character awards
Participating in groups like NEHS, NHS, Crew Council as well as volunteering at the
elementary school and shelter show that I have grown as an individual being that I have

become more selfless by giving back to my community and more of a leader by taking
these positions where I have the ability to effect change.

Community Service
Student Ambassador at Frank Elementary, Kindred Kitties, Alzheimers Walk, Parkside
Manor Retirement Home
Current: Safe Harbor Humane Society, TA for multiple teachers

Extra-Curricular/ Organized activities outside of school

Ski Club, Jazz Band, WSMA Solo & Ensemble, WSMA High School State Honors Band,
Blackwatch (summer band), Crew Council (student government), NEHS (Historian of
National English Honor Society), NHS (National Honor Society)

Playing the flute, volunteering, animals and the environment
Work Experience (If applicable)
None except house/pet sitting

Post-Secondary Plans
College (Carthage, Madison, NMU)
Career Possibilities: Vet, Wildlife Rehabilitator

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